Dw about it @c.janson35 I meant how many Level 5 difficulty MBT, but I asked that question because I was frustrated as hell yesterday with the difficult mbt questions.
... should perform at their skill level. From personal experiences with PTs ... mistakes and getting 1-star difficulty questions wrong)], I end up ... -takers attain a certain skill level, which is not likely to ...
The best prep for RC is reading a lot of RC passages. You have more than 300 passages, already the perfect length and subject matter (not to mention level of difficulty).
... . And each question's level of difficulty is determined by the percentage ... categorized as being of greater difficulty. LSAC has an idea of ... all that being said, the difficulty of each PT is, to ... a certain level of consistency in terms of the difficulty of each ...
... . I think most 1/2 leveldifficulty questions need to be done ... I think most 4/5 leveldifficulty questions are just going to ... taking 1:24 on low difficulty questions, there’s no way ...
... my application:
Whether the difficulty of my program will hurt ... Law Schools and whether the difficulty of my program will be ... analytical skills to an advanced level. However, I believe communication of ...
... is equated. That is, the difficulty of the questions is determined ... an experimental section). That known difficulty is then used to set ... score correlates to the same level of performance across all tests ...