The difficultylevel is determined based on statistical data from 7sage students. The level isn't currently listed at the moment probably because there isn't enough representative data to say what is a 4 star or 5 star question at the moment.
My tutor had me practicing each major type of game for a good period of time. Each game I did, I tried completing in less than 9 minutes. Then I worked my way to solve each game in about 8 minutes. Not every game will follow this rule since some games have ...
I had LG-RC-LR-RC. difficultylevel of the first RC felt way, way easier than the second. not sure which one is the experimental, but fingers crossed it's the one we all found difficult.
Tells you the difficultylevel from 1-5 (easiest to ... is additional information beyond the difficultylevel noted for each question. This ... the same level in this column)
Game Difficulty= LG difficulty for each ...
... is to see if the difficultylevel of the questions that you ... figure out what group of difficultylevel your mistakes are coming from ... you can accurately assess the level of confidence that you have ...
... '—allow you to adjust the difficulty or accuracy. To do this ... the difficultylevel. Just tap the button corresponding to your preferred difficultylevel.
This might be a dumb question, but have you checked their difficultylevel? Are they still different or are they all ranging in a similar difficultylevel?
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Was curious how the question difficulty in the modules is assigned ... question correct until I hit level 4/5 where I'm ... common threads/traps in the level 4 and 5 difficulties (In ...
... no problem getting the correct level 1, 2, 3 star questions ... ), but i tend to get level 4 and 5 questions wrong ... into getting these 4 level and 5 level difficult questions wrong. level questions that i will be ...
... that LSAC will throw in level 4/5 questions in the ... first 10 & have a level 1 question in the midst ... a 1-5 ranking of difficulty for every question for PT ...
... at LR 4/5 star difficulty Q's? I'm like ... the 7 wrong are all level 4/5 questions. The 7 ... and get these 4/5 difficulty questions with speed and confidence ...
Anything, based on 7Sage's difficulty measure, between level 1-3 I do ... quite the same mastery with level 4's, but I can ... level 5 problems are a completely different story. Sometimes I have difficulty ...
Highly doubt anyone would have this info but what is the average distribution of questions based on level of difficulty per section. For example (average 3 level 5s on LR, or 80% level 3 or below on LR).
... marked as Easiest/Easier/Medium level questions, but I seem to ... given set of Harder/Hardest level Strengthening and Weakening questions. I ... of accuracy for the same difficulty levels.