... some difficulty with the five star questions in logical reasoning sections ... getting the 1 to 4 star questions consistently correct, however, I ... when it comes to five star questions.
... perfect on all the four-star/five-star "curve breaker" questions, though ... been getting some three star and two star questions wrong, and on ... the occasion a one-star question too. What could the ... always get more 3 star and 2 star questions wrong than 4 ...
what is the distribution shape? If there are 25 problems in each LR section, how many problems are 1 star, 2 star, 3, star, 4 star, and 5 star respectively?
I feel like every time I have a weakener that's a 3 star or above, I completely suck at it and keep choosing the trap answers Im just so lost at how I'm supposed to approach these questions without disrupting the premise.