Hello 7Sage Community! Asa non traditional prospective law school ... 94) and thinks this is a necessity, I would love to ... find a mentor to walk with me ... . I truly believe having a mentor in the area that ... on how to find a mentor. Thanks in advance!
... torn between wanting to save a few bucks and wondering ... many official lsat prep tests from amazon. The prep courses were too ... />
I planned to take aprepcourse at some local college this ... />
I guess I wanted acourse w/ an instructor to help ...
... solid LOR down from a professor but for my ... were independently teaching it asa seminar course.) I am on very ... that i could get a VERY strong LOR from ... give me a LOR but it would not be as strong, ... most likely a standard one. Which ...
... the date? Does it come up asa cancellation? Or does it not appear ... at all? And if it does ... come up asa ... cancellation or a date change, does it have ...
... got a 154, the second time a 164, and the third a 168 ... In reality, I was in a PhD program that I was ... 't feel like this is a good enough "excuse." Another ... of many months of studying + aprepcourse. Can you help me figure ... where my GPA dropped to a 3.2. I don't ...
... took the retake would it countasa second attempt for the LSAT ... options), would I get a voucher for a future exam date? Based ... would not get a voucher or something for a future test date ... or can it be just a future date like October?
... I do. I am having a problem truly explaining to myself ... made. In a sense, I feel as though a SA would countasa most strongly ... supported item from an argument. Is there a ...
... score on prep tests. I'm in aprepcourse and have ... taken several official prep tests and ... raw score conversion charts, a 69 can be scaled up ... 180 scaled. That's a pretty big difference in the ... are the 4 section prep tests that I've ...
Every time I go to purchase aprepcourse, it says that I am not logged in, but I am already logged in and it won't allow me to insert my payment info at all
*Disclaimer* this is not last minute studying... I have taken aprepcourse in another state however I lost my study group when I moved to OC. Looking for someone who is already familiar with the fundamentals of the test
I think it you withdraw before sitting in the exam it won't countas one take. However, if you decide to take the test and cancel it-- then it will countasa take.
It'll still countasa "strike." They'll give you ... will still show up and countasa try. If you do need ... believe you could appeal it as counting, though. Either way, you ...
... program at your school, beginning asa part-time law student seems ... may see some benefits such asa lighter course load and (possibly) higher ... do some cool volunteer work. As I said before, though, I ... or break you, and a motivated enough individual could likely ...
... sleep, eat healthy and have a stretch schedule that you can ... how much material my traditional prepcourse did not teach me! I ... Sage than 4 months of aprepcourse. You def in the right ... drill! drill! Drill! take more prep tests!
... a case by case basis? What does LSAC define asa disability? Does ... for these disabilities, such as therapy or medication growing ... disabilities?
You also don't want to get too comfortable with the 7sage app asa timer (great proctor tho) as you won't be looking at it in test day. The sooner you get your proper watch the better
... PTs until you have a solid grasp of the ... your BR score you have a large area for improvement, ... really don't have a totally solid grasp of ... question types until you have a solid grip on them. ... . I went through aprepcourse, got nailed by a PT, and started ...
... due respect as someone who is doing a JD/PhD ... ... 2) with academia as bad as it is you will ... Northeastern which rejected him as well - he did ... doing a fellowship... He finally got a job at a law ... Klick (who I countasa mentor and a friend) is economist wit ...
Aprepcourse is not necessary (or for ... case, 7 sage is a really good course to get... better than ... the LSAT. The Ultimate + course is a great bargain... and worth it ...