... and try to see how many times you're getting it right on ... RC and just try to see how JY doesit. Look at different strategies ... . Depending on that, you want totake the test and keep BRing ... am still studying and trying totake my time with the course ...
... and try to see how many times you're getting it right on ... RC and just try to see how JY doesit. Look at different strategies ... . Depending on that, you want totake the test and keep BRing ... am still studying and trying totake my time with the course ...
... and try to see how many times you're getting it right on ... RC and just try to see how JY doesit. Look at different strategies ... . Depending on that, you want totake the test and keep BRing ... am still studying and trying totake my time with the course ...
... you BR, don't just look at a question and be ... really want it, you have totake the necessary steps to improve. It doesn't ... understand the LSAT. Maybe you're experiencing a little burnout. Take a ... little break, whether it be a couple ...
That's a good idea, @CynthiaVeee. I'm sure we'll have name tags. It could look silly at first, but if anyone asks, it wouldn't lookbadto say "It's my nickname on my LSAT study site."
... 160s. I think it just takes time to be more consistent. Sometimes ... I think it is best totake some time off if ... feel a lot of times that bad scores come from being mentally ... from constant focus on the LSAT. A little break can help ...
... what tolook for, you won't see it. So if you actually take ... it a week before the January LSAT and read through most of it ... , I found it quite ... them the wrong way it was better totake as long as I ...
... think it's smart totake advantage of this time. The LSAT cannot ... PTs start) to solidify your foundation. Also look into other resources ... in addition to the CC. ... others do it in writing, but it's crucial to not just ...
I think it's important totake a cold diagnostic just to see where ... material. If anything it'll be good tolook back on as you ... begin taking practice tests just to ... point, as itdoes for many students, and being able tolook back on ...
@nw_39796 I had multiple friends take the LSAT in May. Everyone that had ... correctly and how nice it is to test in your own ... the test, I had to contact LSAC multipletimes and spend hours on ... would go wrong. While it connected to ProtorU and no problem with ...
... exacerbating conditions, making it really hard totake exams like the LSAT. The good ... an app called focus to hold myself to 25-minute study sessions ... create rewards systems for myself to help battle the executive ... mentioning Dr. Hallowell, I will look into him.
... support AND Dolores does not alienate like Victor does
Conclusion: ... that's the best way tolook at this stimulus, but ... Bus stop goes directly to school and subway does not (+1); we ... then concludes about it's better totake the train. It would've been ...
... and requires you to be alert at all times. My boss/ ... to move itto a more inconvenient time in order to prioritize the LSAT ... think it's critical totake some time off. It doesn't have to be ... Think of the struggle to juggle the multiple things in your life ...
... experience. Try to not take the LSATmultipletimes and just do it once when you ... also definitely should takemultiple practice tests before the LSAT and not have ... the LSAT be the first timed practice test you take. Best ...
... studying totake the LSAT for a second time. I used to have panic ... as highlighting where you failed, look at them as an opportunity ... 't have to finish every question, and it's better totake the time ... time totake a break. The first time I studied for the LSAT ...
Yes, it definitely ... least for speed. If you look at a weaken question, for ... a passage, which is paramount to getting it correct.
5. ... t work. The LSAT makers are demons so it's very cleverly ...
... . Efficiently does not mean quickly. It is far better totake 5 minutes to read ... to then have to re-read multipletimes for the 'main point question' then multipletimes ... would say about 1-2 times per test, where the passage ...
... that they are bringing awareness to the issues with ProctorU ... times and there wasn't a way to report it at first, now it ... I did; it all seems to blend together some times. I did ... to read them and take them in, not amidst the timed LSAT ... and weren't too bad.
... times and there wasn't a way to report it at first, now it ... I did; it all seems to blend together some times. I ... to read them and take them in, not amidst the timed LSAT ... hard and weren't too bad.
< ... time when I got toit, I'm fairly certain ...
... for an hour. It really starts to make LSAT part of your ... also remind myself to stop and take a break because ... this reading can really take a toll on your ... you, you can always lookto how other students and ... I think it is really important to just take a breath ...
_If I take the LSAT for a total of 4 times, will that reflect ... 's judgement about retaking the LSATmultipletimes, especially when their scores are ... may be appropriate to explain why takeit so many times. In the end ...
... in science that when it comes down to reading paragraphs about political ... or social science, I tend to have difficulty drilling down the ... decided totake the time to prepare for LSAT properly (I'm aiming totakeLSAT in ...
... I wanted to see how it would feel totake the LSAT again. I ... knew that it wouldn ... yea, took LSAT, blind reviewed whole LSAT, then took LSAT again. ...
If it's better totake the test 3 times, then that makes ...
... weeks and came to a decision totake another LSAT next year. It would have ... to go ahead and take September LSAT just to experience what it feels like totake actual LSAT ... and how I would do on actual test compare to ...
Anyone who wanna discuss LSAT (via skype) or mentally support ... for Taiwanese to the U.S., I guess it's same ... everything you want to explore. In that case, it may cost you ... time studying the LSAT.
... postponed itto June. After the winter break, I've decided totakeLSAT really ... sure if I am ready totake the June test. But I ... have enough time to score 170s consistently to feel ready for ...
Any suggestions/thoughts? Shall I take the June test anyway? Maybe ...
... again (PT 39) sometime back, it was a heartbreaking 154 with ... take more PTs. Could anyone please suggest resources for the same? Doesit ... still help to practise timed sections from ...
... actually deteriorate in your ability totakeLSAT as you study more? I ... ones in 30s/40s - only to realize that both my actual ... each PT (from mid 160s to currently high 150s actual). I ... just a burnout? It's really frustrating to see that I'm ...