I have had a problem set I compiled disappear for ... to carefully select question topics and difficulties. Is there any way ... there a way to sort problemsets by new?
... some feedback doing problemsets. I have the Ultimate+ package and so I ... have all of the problemsets but would ... you recommend doing all of the problemsets or ...
... have gone over the lessons and listened to all of the ... of the problemsets they give us in the lesson and then I ... drill hard enough on the problemsets that they give us per ... then that will be enough and then I can go ahead ... and take a full on prep ...
... analytics within problemsets. I would find this very helpful, and would particularly ... the Analytics page within my problemsets, since that's where the ...
... starting my drilling for each problem types and trying to reorganize the ... currently have close to 300 problemsetsand they are all over the ... want to keep it minimalistic and the sort function isn't ...
Hello, on both the tablet and the computer, I'm getting ... error saying just "1" on problemsets.
Here are some links ... -to-reading-comprehension-problem-set-9/
the other sets are doing ...
... , when I click on Existing ProblemSets the website brings me to ... the page with all my problemsets. When I click on one ... "Take Problem Set" area only shows the number "1" and that's ...
... I am on a role and get most to all of ... sample single questions before the problemsets. Those sample single questions seem ... the passsage or answer choice. And don't forget that these ... sample single questions before the problemsets. I have been wondering, ...
... the individual passages before the problemsets on RC, i almost always ... -10min/passage and questions. However when i do the problemsets for the ... from rushing through the passages and stressing out about the time ...
I am wondering if people are taking the time to fool proof the problemsets (10x+) and game board setup example questions? I feel like I should be fool proofing wherever possible, but I also recognize the time commitment. Any thoughts?
... designed my own problem set for reading comp and when I came ... how to view that specific problem set that I designed for ... . It isn't in existing problemsetsand when I add those passages ...
Hi, I upgraded to the LSAC Prep Plus and still cannot access the problemsets. When I initially subscribed to 7Sage, I had no problem going through the problemsets. What is going on?
If you take a practice test and later delete it, how does that show up in the ProblemSets section where it says "Taken 1 time" etc., If you have taken the section, but deleted it, will it show up as "Taken 1 time" or as blank?
... I can go to "existing problemsets" but that only shows the ... I did in the CC and any of the logic games ... an LR section yesterday and closed the window and I don't ...
If you are taking a problem set or PT on your ... have a printer at home, and I think it's better ... to have scrap paper and do the problemsets/PTs on my computer ...
The problemsets are typically given an ... esp. for the level 5 problemsets. I take a long ... reviewing to understand every mistake and also during the actual ... scheduled to do like 9 problemsets in a day.
< ... anyone else deal with this? And if so, how do ...
Hi everyone, I'm making problemsets & forgot to add 1 question into the set. Does this mean I have to create the set all over again? Is there a button that would allow me to just edit and add 1 question instead of having to start from 0? Thanks
... weakening questions and thus am completing problemsets. I noticed that the problemsets don ... like listening to J.Y. and his videos are helpful. sets.
Prep tests, problemsets, or the LSAT explanation page ... test or a problem set, nothing opens or expands and I can ... 't access any prep test or problemsets. Is ... my cache and used different browsers but the problem still exists for ...
... for LSAT 2 weeks ago and got a 158 on my ... being RC (by far). And I want to know if ... core curriculum like the LR problemsets to quickly get to sections ...