... at the concept of confidence drills because I seem to spend ... it right without eliminating wrong answers. However, I was wondering if ... on how to do confidence drills or where to start. Is ...
... , after completing these drills, I just check the answers. Most of the ... I am down to two answers and initially choose the right ... , should I blind review my drills of specific questions, or should ...
Hi All! I'm new to using 7sage but I'm having some technical difficulties. When I review my drills I can see the answer I selected, and not which one is correct. Same with my prep tests. I'm sure it's just a setting I don't have enabled. Thanks!
I am having trouble figuring out the hard LR questions. I want to be able to eliminate all the answers that I know are wrong, so I can leave the correct answer. Any tips?!? I hope I have made sense.
Do you guys scan the answers or just jump right in ... dependent. I usually scan the answers choices quickly, but if nothing ... into trying out all the answers. I found myself wasting time ... jump right into testing the answers.
When circling answers into the bubble sheet or practice sheet, do you recommend going by every answer or waiting until 5 minutes then transferring them? I have heard both from different sources. I want to use my time wisely.
anyone else having trouble with the way the correct answers show up below the LG videos? i can hover my mouse over the choices, and see the % selected, but i can no longer see them highlighted in green... thoughts?
I can't seem to find the answers to preptests 1-35 logic games. When the PDFs were taken down, were the answers also taken down? I can't check my answers to those sections! Am I missing them somewhere?
I am starting to get more answers correct. Do you guys view the explanation videos on the ones you got right? I want to get my money's worth, but not sure if that's a waste of time.
... answer. So half of the answers I choose are usually right ... />
So being unsure about choosing answers always makes me feel really ... an answer!) when I pick answers.
How can I overcome ...
... been able to see the answers posted on logic games explanations ... scroll down to confirm my answers. However, since yesterday, I haven ... been able to see the answers and have had to literally ...