... through every single lesson/quiz.problem set before moving on, or ... and leave some of the problemsets for later? I feel like ... efficiently by doing all the problemsets before moving on to later ...
So I was doing the timed problemsets and I found there were different theme options ranging from 7sage to standard to choose. I wonder if the "standard" here means the format that looks exactly like the real test.
... . There are a lot of problemsets, and doing the same thing ... . So I somewhat left some problemsets for later to solve and ... should I just finish every problem set without going to other ...
... simulate test day, review particular problemsets / problem types, review logic fundamentals, or ... for some of the RC problemsets, and am curious what others ...
1.what is the difference between "question difficulty" and "Psg/Game/S difficulty"?
2. what exactly is Psg/Game/S difficulty?
3. what does "priority" refer to? Is it the priority for what the individual text taker ...
When I create problemsets and check my results after completing them, I do not see explanation videos. Why is this/where can I find explanation videos? I've notices this with logical reasoning mostly.
I took the April Flex and have took over 15 PTs and numerous problemsets. I am still missing -8 to -13 per RC section. I have tried the low res and high res method which I believe slows me down. What can I do to bridge this gap?