... close to being out of tests. What I don't want ... go back to the newer tests? Or should I not buy ... and just stagger the practice tests until January?
... 160 and 158 on prep tests. During my studies this summer ... before I took the actual tests. Should I retake in January ... (the one school I mentioned earlier) and to increase my chance ...
My question is whether I should learn the basics for all LR and Logic games and then proceed to attack the quizzes and tests with the Blind Review method? Or should I follow the core curriculum and not skip any parts?
... be able to take practice tests early in the semester in ... did not begin taking practice tests any where near as early ... to any questions sooner or later.
... have been recently taking 2 tests a week (one on Saturday ... test inside and out/week vs. 2 in a more condensed ... is why doing more timed tests has been focus (despite not ...
Just wondering what are the major differences between the current LSAT vs. the new one that is coming up. I know its on a tablet - but is there any other differences?