... know that feeling exactly too well. Worst part is when you ... may be offset by a good performance on the other ... blanked. So just hang in there and take it one ... ever like to go some RC passages then message me ... I'm in no way, shape or form good at RCbut it can ...
... of some Indian tribes. RC was okay nothing relatively ... topics seemed a bit familiar but who knows.
> ... set it up, but did well on all the other ... the Black paintings inRCbut felt good about the first ... and struggled through LG but that's my weakest ...
... different definition or concept in mind? (I recall ... which was mentioned in the passage, but it actually referred ... common flaws and spotting flaws in the argument? ... I can those things, butnotwell enough to get the ... want on LR. I feel like LR is forcing ...
... different definition or concept in mind? (I recall ... which was mentioned in the passage, but it actually referred ... common flaws and spotting flaws in the argument?
... I can those things, butnotwell enough to get the ... on LR. I feel like LR is forcing ...
... realized that I am not the strongest reader is ... improvements started to flood in. I started to ... tremendous amount of improvement in my reading ability ... has led to improvement inRC. But I still have much ...
... knowing how you’re doing inRC, but one tweak I made early ... .
RC can certainly feel tricky to BR, but I found that ... certain concepts were tested frequently inRC, certain question stems repeated, ... may not be as obvious as LG or LR, but I ...
... problem. Similarly stats inRC LR as well to you. So ... section of LG now, but a tough section might bring ... Standard advice applies, invest time in making inferences. Try to ... .g. “if Y is in group 1 , then what ... 2 points per week. Good luck, trust in the grind.
... cat may cause a reaction in some butnot others. I disliked all ... why it's (C)? I feel that the stimulus suggests it ... the allergy sufferers that vary in which protein they react thereby ...
... in the casebook. Some are easy, some are ridiculous, a good ... you want to look goodin class then you should ... .. Of course, looking goodin class doesn't really ... you should just find a good balance.
... t care about looking goodin class but I do want ...
... noise level... some coughing/sneezing but no unexpected disturbances really. I ... a little noise every once in awhile butnot something that would be ... (don't know specifics) but made sure no one had ... my second go :/
... nice professor. He was strict butnot intense. He had a ... Donuts at the entrance, as well. The building is a little ... room: Standard high school classroom but with large desks.
... : about 5 hours including waiting in line butnot sure
... and I've greatly improved inRC. But LR is an issue. I ... I stand in terms of LR, and the results are not so ... big difference between the scores. But really, am I just ... start full PT mode, but I don't really know ... how I can reach it. In terms of timing, I ...
My ... wrong, in that they did not match the "text" in very ...
Correct answers: matches in meaning, butnot necessarily the language. It's ... because it contains unfamiliar and "not sounding right" language.
I understood "A or B butnot both" as one of the ... = CONTRAPOSITIVE => /A + /B ????? But my last statement (3) indicates ... definition of "A or B butnot both".
... "A then B or C butnot both"?
I usually use ... -> B/C not both" when solving games, but I was wondering ... as A -> (B/C), but it looks very weird...
It's ... method and drilling older PT RC sections, and the LSAT trainer ... strategy or drilling has resulted in a significant jump thus far ... just feel helpless when it comes to making a significant improvement inRC, but ...
I've been PTing tests in the 20's and ... I've done PT's in the 50's and ... after getting back to practicing in the 50's my ... score tanked. In the 20's and 30 ... to score -5/-6 inRCbut I've gotten so many ... more wrong in the harder RC. Anyone deal with ...
... LSAT, did well, butnotwell enough considering my gpa (f in the chat) so ... I'm taking it again in January...but it's been a ... it feels like there's not enough time left to increase ...
... fall. I was disappointed, but for many reasons I ... sad to be rejected in Dallas, butnot too bothered. I planned ... getting better at it. But during real time on test ... know that it would not have happened at all, ... if it had not been for committing myself ...
I have huge difficulty inRCbut LG and LR are really not bothering me. My RC correct rate is about 45%. I was wondering if I can give up RC and try to get -0 on LG and -2/-3 on LR. I only need 160.
... PT and got -0 in LG, -7 inRC, but -20+ combined from the ... exactly the type of question but rather the difficulty level that ... answers right? I’m really not sure where to go from ... are easily the biggest factor in my scores right now.
... points inRCbut lost only 4 in my last prep test. I have not ... studied a second for this section yet, but instead really zeroed in ... on each and every passage in order ...