... respects! I just got my firstscore back and we're in ... . Luckily, I have a free score preview and will be canceling ... to work on getting your score up, and submitting everything before ...
... @vgillia1 and @canihazJD. When I first started Logic Games I felt ... overwhelmed, but stuck with it. After going through the curriculum and ... nailing those games your first time.
... flawed. In the first half of the first sentence, the author provides ... the second half of the first sentence ( after "but") the author provides ...
I reset to my original scoreafter reviewing so much and not taking any practice tests in awhile. now im shooting back up. PRACTICE TESTS ARE MORE VALUABLE THAN REVIEWING IN THE END!!!
... worse, so going with my firstscore)
> I ... for someone with my LSAT score?
> Realistically ... keep in mind that your score is very well below the ... lowest score so chances aer stacked against ...
started at a 155, 2 months in hit 165. final scoreafter 3.5 months of studying was 172. would recommend you start repeating logic games until you can do well on them before doing any more PTs.
... super confident that you can score higher in November and you ... the option to cancel your score then I say cancel it ... the option to cancel your scoreafter seeing it. I don't ... look down on a cancelled score - and if you're worried ...
Stay focused! Happens to the best of us. This is why LSAC will eliminate your firstscore from universities from seeing because many first time takers get very nervous.
... 't always mean a good score (something I've also experienced ... PT (which I didn't score) a few days before just ... a big improvement from my firstscore, but I'm still writing ... while I waited for my score, and now I continue to ...
... each rule against the first question immediately after you have written it ... one with checking the first question after writing each rule is a ...
... how should I convert my scoreafter I finished 4 sections PT ... />
If you use 7sage to score your PTs, you opt to ... 'll sh*t a proper score out for you. But don ...
I would love that! I have been studying for 1 month and my firstscore was 145, and my last PT (this week) I scored 153, I am hoping to get to 165-170 range by October! Please let me know, I will work around your schedule.