@"GSU Hopeful" Word—Not a problem at all. Just drill from the 29–35 range (per Mike's schedules) and/or 7sage drill sets. He's just selecting them byquestiontype.
... cambridgelsat.com/bundles/logical-reasoning-by-type/
LG: http ... .com/bundles/logic-games-by-type/
RC: http ... packets are conveniently organized byquestiontype from PT 1-38. ... proficient at tackling a specific questiontype.
... ) revisit material and 2) drill byquestiontype (see Cambridge packets). Since this ... you don't remember a questiontype, you should revisit those (unless ... you can remember a questiontype (say MBT question) but can't write ...
... questiontype (e.g.- MSS, MP, PF, etc.) and then either sort byquestiontype ... or sort by whether you got ... answers and then sort those byquestiontype. Plus, if you' ... re drilling individual question types you should know ...
That's the only drawback with the Cambridge organizational method.
They sell them already grouped byquestiontype. I suppose I could arrange them into their original tests...but it would be one big few hours of collating!
... and say you should drill byquestiontype as well as taking timed ... sections. Drilling byquestion types helps solidify muscle memory ... a game plan for specific question types that will allow you ...
... />
I enjoyed approaching it by game type. I started with the freebies ... are available that organize sections byquestiontype. There is a list somewhere ... around here of games bytype.. Seeing them grouped in this ...
Thanks everyone for the advice/support, seems like I'll be switching my study plan. Will just start doing LR sections timed instead of drilling byquestiontype.
This is the closest book I could find for the tests you're looking for: http://www.amazon.com/Real-LSATs-Grouped-Question-Type/dp/1937707784/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1440214174&sr=1-1&keywords=10+real+lsats+grouped+by+question+type
Hi everyone!!! Does anyone have practice questions from actual lsasts grouped byquestiontype on the Logical Reasoning section? This would be so amazing. I really need to drill myself on several specific question types. Thanks so much!
... questions from actual lsasts grouped byquestiontype on the Logical Reasoning section ... drill myself on several specific question types. Thanks so much!
@"Dillon A. Wright" Of course not. I was asking for practice questions from actual test grouped byquestiontype. The resource for this material, not actual PDF files. Relax homeboy.
... . Drill PTs. Drill by complete sections. Drilling byquestiontype can quickly lead to ... you can identify a game/questiontype immediately and know exactly what ...
... drill down and look at questionbyquestion performance for LR and if ... they find flaws in the question they will toss it out ... to difficulty and maintain categorization byquestiontype. Then when it comes time ... those people would be lawyers by then or have done ...
... Resources" and click on "LSAT Question Bank". A new page will ... and sort by LG/LR/LC. Then sort byquestiontype using the ... tag feature and then by difficulty. by the type you need. Voila!
... been offered. To answer your question, regarding drilling:
There are ... drill:
1) Byquestiontype (look for the questiontype you are interested in ... , and do them)
2) By section (just pick a section ...
Do you have the Cambridge PDFs? I used those to drill byquestiontype/difficulty after finishing the "curriculum" (came to 7Sage a bit later into my process and didn't follow 7Sage's curriculum to the tee) and it seemed to help.