... human labor." Is this a flaw or is this something we ... . But this is not the flaw because even if he did ... **, is it okay that a weakening answer basically completely destroys the ...
I believe this should be a weaken question not flaw. Manhattan says its weaken too. Besides, the right answer choice E is giving a new cause- that of not being extroverted as a person OVER astrology affecting them.
where can I find JY talk about this knock out vs sneak in method? I cannot find the lesson, I even already asked this question and then lost the lesson/wherever I asked the question AGAIN lol! Thank you in advance to anyone who knows!
... improve my thought process on Weakening Questions. No matter how many ... brain is not clicking with Weakening Questions. Help would be greatly ...
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As a preliminary matter, when weakening an argument, we're primarily ... />
That way of weakening an argument I think is ... position. And *this* way of weakening is something that can escape ... br />
This type of weakening logic, I think, is hard ...
What is the difference between premise indicator vs. context? The way I understood was that context are just additional info to lead up to the premise.
Hi! Does anyone know the difference between, "the author overlooks the possibility" vs "takes for granted that" and how can I differentiate it when looking at an argument? Thanks!