if you want to add to your lessons I suggest looking into Cambridge packets, you can get question bytype packets so when you do say MBT, finish those problems/sets, you can drill as many of them as you want b4 moving on (they're generally from PT1-38)
... to supplement Cambridge LSAT packets bytype to add more drilling while ... learning a question type. The bibles really weren't ... won't want to continue by the end of LS
... see improvements in that area by doing the fool proof logic ... cambridge packets that organize LG bytype... what i did was i ... went through each different type, doing anywhere from 2-5 ... games of that specific type, referring to the 7sage explanations ...
You may also want to consider the Cambridge LG Packets. I believe they have one that uses all game from PT 1-38, organized bytype and difficulty. In your case, it seems it'd be helpful to be able to focus in on certain types. Just my two cents.
... entire LR section, but reorganized by question type? The LSAT Trainer website ... page that lets us sort by question type? If there is, I ... if I group problems together bytype, my brain will be utterly ...
... super helpful to do questions bytype. I know that I'm ... Analytics page, you can sort by the "tag" category and you ... it will organize the questions bytype.
... immediately raise your score by 5 - 7 points by concentrating on the ... lawgic and conquer the games typebytype... starting with simple sequencing ones ... keep on adding one more type to the lot as you ...
You might consider some of the books that arrange questions bytype. That reaallly helped me pick up on the patterns in LR a lot faster than if I had 25 different questions of each type.