... that this is not a PT, but the real thing. ... during the second logic game. I skipped three questions ... /worrying about them. Finished game3 and 4, and had ... rule of that game. Solved all 3 questions with sufficient ... you miss it + spend 3-4 minutes on it, you ...
... attempting to retry an old game, either from the CC or ... a completed PT, make sure you are selecting ... create a drill with the game you referenced in your question ... plus sign to left of game3 to create a drill.
... but I kept getting like -3. I did get -0 a ... the best I got was -3. But I would start there ... with 4 sections and not 3. Try to switch up the ... example: say I am taking PT83. PT83 has 4 sections but two ... . Change the version from 4-3 then add in an extra ...
... confident about setting up a game and making inferences. My issue ... the first question on each game, those where there is tons ... to mind (Test 57,game3). I was able to set ...
... way to set this game up. The game seems confusing because ... it pretends to have 5 game pieces (the five cities) ... those really aren't the game pieces: the CONNECTIONS between ... the cities are the game pieces, and it's ... /lsat-40-section-2-game-3/
In 2 out of my last 3PT's, I have scored over 175... Unreal.... I would have never guessed I would do this in my wildest dreams. Thanks 7 sage and community
yep, as expected, LG3 f-Ed me over. But it's ok because I didn't suck at the other sections. I'm also well within the median for my goal school. But yeah, Game3, how cruel a fate.
Game 1 involves eight children divided ... coaster. Game 2 involves stacking letters. Game3 involves a costumer ... six colors. (sounds tough) Game 4 involves a radio station ...
... I could select a game (ex. PT 66, game 2) and then I ... I took to finish the game and my answers. Then 7sage ... all the stats about that game and all my other games ...