... argument (P + C) then say BUT... then read the AC. For ... a dancer. He must be goodat dancing. BUT ___ (a survey says ... Nobel Peace Prize." See? Adding But or And makes the AC ... P, this is C, And / But...AC" and often the right ...
I am now scoring about -3 on LR, -2 onLG, but -7 on RC. I'm lost. So what is the traditional, maybe cliche advice that can help me with reading above a 3rd grade level?
I have been reading and hearing a lot that there are patterns to this. Can someone explain to me what that means? I can see how it relates to LGbut confused on the patterns for LR.
I just really hope I don't drop a -6 on that computer virus game. I feel I did really well oneverythingelse and would hate for that one game to ruin everything
Oh wow @mohsen_nh that news makes me so sad, it was my 5th section and I usually do so goodat games but I bombed it. I've been sick for awhile and was happy with my performance until that last games section.
... We have everything set? Had 2 LGs but can confirm everythingelse ... your post a bit but thanks! Added the ones ... We have everything set? Had 2 LGs but can confirm everythingelse ... We have everything set? Had 2 LGs but can confirm everythingelse ...
@lexxx745 , thank you so much! Did you find that LG was harder? I read that a few people suggested taking Flex if you are goodatLG because of the way the questions were.
Hi! I've been scoring 162-163 with RC and LR being my strongest sections. Would love to collaborate with a study partner (perhaps someone needing help in LR or RC and who is goodatLG).
... you can ignore what follows, but you need to see it ... . So you can't pretend everything following, "although" doesn't exist ... the stimulus more clearly, but just like everythingelse you need to read ...
... struggled with a section of LG, it was the second game ... game! I’m pretty good with LGbut after 2 minutes precious time ... and difficult than Jan RC but I did my best. That ...
... that every game on its own is incredibly difficult but combined it ... been consistently going -0 in LG were not able to finish ... difficult test- not just LGbut RC on this test is no joke ... a very inspirational pep talk on how to handle odd games ...