Does anyone know howlong they give you to complete bubbling in the name etc section on the answer sheet? Do you guys practice doing that so its fast enough or is there plenty of time?
Hey guys, hope all is well. My question is let's says that I did well on the DEC exam and got accepted to fordham, howlong do I have to let them know of my decision to attend their school for the upcoming semester?
... ADHD. I am supposed totakeit twice a day, which ... I should be taking it during the break during ... tomorrow. Are we allowed to bring medication into the ... ? I would hate to have to suddenly alter my medication ... And if I do, doesit have to be in a prescription ...
... score what I wanted to due to a major injury the ... not score high enough to make the lowest score ... preferred school I need to get in to (I have small ... that need to stay put). Anyway, doesit hurt to submit an ... If I am refused to the preferred school this year ...
Or how do you decide whether to proceed without writing out your game boards (and write out game boards for separate questions)? Any advice appreciated - thanks guys!
... why doesit have to apply to the group referred to in the stimulus? It could ... just as easily not apply to the group ... referred to in the stimulus, in which case it would not ... to in the stimulus? If anyone can clarify for me it ...
... 2.4 ugpa. Needless to say, my chances ride ... it enough that I decided I would be willing to go to ... my goal is to just go to a west coast ... feeling is discouraging. Is it unrealistic to bank on a good ... seen it happen? Sometimes it feels like i'm trying to climb ...
... issues and was able tofinish on time for the ... I'm now finding it harder tofinish those sections on time. ... just about it. I'm averaging somewhere around -11 to -15 ... 'm wondering how much I should expect to be improving with ... won't be able to reach my goal. So ...
... practice test I take, I have to do something else to decompress for ... today I was fortunate enough to watch Middle Tennessee knock off ... , if you take some time off, howlong do you take and what do ...
So I want to spiff up my resume a ... />
How often should I do it? Howlong do I have to do it before ... I can actually put it ... proof of volunteering and send it with my apps to law school?
... weeks (as long as it takes to get to a near ... perfect score really). I took it ... before I get back to PTing and targeting certain ... questions, I want to do LG
< ... day. Really trying to master it. My question is ...
... into your test, and howdoesit compare to the rest of your score ... psychological barrier to doing well on it. Like I "know" it isn' ... Are there better ways to drill with it, or should I just ... section entirely, considering it doesn't seem to negatively effect the ...
... to keep itto themselves (at least not a risk I'm willing totake ... to work for in college with no response (seriously, how difficult is it ... just to send a "no" email ...
... higher education admissions (not trying to ruffle any political feathers...but ... (hint: I'm Asian), doesit help to specify what type of Asian ... you are, if it will indeed ... I'm wondering if it actually does help if you specify what ...
... />
I wanted to write about how the minute it took to get from the ... the camp after 180 miles to the finish line, seeing these kids ... waiting for us to cross that ... exhibit when we crossed that finish line has had an immediate ...
... the decline is attributable to the presence of poisonous ... fungus that was introduced to control the gypsy moth population ... confused on what exactly doesit mean to block the alternative. After ... how A strengthens the argument....A does not seem like it ...
On average, howlongdoes a strong LR student spend reading the stimulus and question stem before looking at the answer choices? In general I spend more than a minute on a question before I get to the AC's... (i'm new to timed LR)
... 've been doing some drills to understand my LR process better ... you have tried this, howlong do you take per average on easy ... /medium questions vs howlong do you take per average on hard ... /hardest question. Or, do you take longer on a particular Q ...
I wanted to talk about this reoccurring issue ... understands that I would love to go to law school in 2020 ... place me on a deadline totake the LSAT this summer ( I ... am considering delaying as long as it takes to get that score. However ...
... I thought I'd takeit a third time because ... given me a deadline totake their scholarship offer and ... do? First, is it smart to cancel my score? Or ... I did? How much would it matter to schools I've ... applied to if I did worse? Secondly, how ...
Is it ok to br rc right after pt ... should br within 24hrs, but it seems I'd remember stuff ... or do it after two days? It takes me whole day to br ... lr and lg, and by the end of it ... get really tired. So it's either I br rc ... after pt or do it two days after...
... this before, but is it possible to defer law school by a ... JD/MBA? I was supposed to attend Penn Law this coming ... one-year deferral (goal is to do 3 year JD/MBA ...
I just had my transcript sent to LSAC and my school confirmed that they sent it, but my LSAC account says it still doesnt have it. Doesittake a little while to go through or should I be doing something?
... looking for some advice to shave off a few ... and hopefully start to wind my long LSAT journey to a close. ... a diagnostic of 137 to a current average of ... and plan to study for as long as it takes to average ... these areas it would be appreciated. When it comes to LG ...