... The first thing is how many timescan you see yourself taking ... you know your goals. I would try and plan to ... remaining PT above 60 before my last lsat take. If ... from you goal score I'd recommend drilling that ... @yunonsie as well. I hope this helps,
... ! I upgraded myaccount (279/month) to include the two tutoring sessions. How do I ... containing the links that you can use to book the tutoring ... email will have instructions on how to get started. It also ... not receive this so we can resend it to you.
My biggest weakness is LR, Ican typically complete a ... in 35 minutes. My question here is howcanI improve my time without hurting ... my accuracy. Any time that I have ...
... . Currently, I am making some slow progress with my PTs. My recent tests ... , my question is to ask the advice of the 7sage community- howcanI ... improve my speed so Ican actually answer those questions ...
... I wanted. What does it really take to boost your score? HowcanI ... get my confidence back? I plan on taking the ... june LSAT, but I ... still feel defeated. Has anyone been in my shoes? < ...
So I just received my results and ended up with a 163. My gpa ... working to study for my LSAT. If I apply now, is there ... was my second time taking the LSAT. the first time i canceled my ... score cause my nerves on test day ...
... on LG. How do people suggest I shift my attention more to ... on LG? (FYI, I have been mainly doing older ... do they get more 'mainstream', i.e. less experimental?) ... br />
Do I PT and add LR/RC as my fifth and ... /or sixth sections? Should I drill? ...
... for accommodations, but I did not explain why I do not have ... space to put it. CanI send an email to them ... 's about a week, but I have not received their decisions ... yet.
Or should I wait for decision and if ...
... entirety during my study. None at all. I did not ... before the test. Also, my study was very passive ... last RC passage as I spent my whole time on ... that damn Eileen Grey passage).
6) I ... .
For those who have taken the LSAT, canI view my answer sheet along with the correct answers? I did a lot of erasing, which might make a fake-wrong answer. I see the portion of LSAC that shows PDF's after the LSAT is taken. CanI view it there?
... or September. Myaccount expires in about three days, and I'm interested ... in buying the PT 79 Explanation to extendmyaccount ... up yet. Should I go ahead and just extendmyaccount and not wait ...
This professor is a good guy, and I like him a lot. He was kind enough to send back a draft. CanI pm one of you guys to get your opinion on the quality?
... I was well enough to take the LSAT since my ... was confident in my answers) and the other I tanked (answered ... LSAT discussion board that my bad section was the ... ...
Should I cancel my score or wait and see ... if I scrape a ...
Just curious. It said I'd used 5/6 tests or something at the bottom. This seems strange. Also, is there a way to identify your most missed question types via analytics?
I remember being able to print ... ago) under Course - Syllabus but Ican't seem to find them ... website now? If not, where canI go to find them? Thanks ...
I have 3 former professors who agreed to write LORs for me. CanI pick just 2 to send to law schools even after all 3 submit their letters to LSAC? I got the third letter just in case as a backup and don't want to send it if I don't have to..
... the 7sage community. But. I think I would do better with ... I'm shooting for a 170, which I'm 100% convinced Ican ... achieve if Ican blow LR away ... a great yet affordable tutor? HowcanI maximize my time? Thanks everyone!
... crick in my neck, I previously asked the proctor how high canI raise my test ... ' big mistake! During section 3 I had it raised off the ... this already difficult task. Luckily I'm certain it was an ...
... likely to respond positively. (I paraphrased it)
SO, canI infer from the above that ... made above, we can say that one is ... br />
Another NA Ican think of is A-> ... />
Please correct me because I am 80% not confident with ...
I submitted my test already and now I am not able to go back and do the blind review. Should I just delete it and take it over again or is there still a way to do blind review after I submitted my score?
... prepping for the LSAT. I have known for many years ... that I want to work in ... for the private sector---I want to work for ...
What canI do in terms of internships and classes Ican take to ... make this into a reality? I would ...
... new to LG and I got stuck up on a ... games problem sets. How much time should I spend trying to figure ... it out? Or should I just go to the video ... particular game if I’m really that stumped? I just don’t ...
... times thus far. Based on my most recent score I ... T14 schools. I’m trying to weigh my options of ... July and how that might look. I underperformed my PT range ... .
I have read various posts about ... there, but I am somewhat concerned about how a fourth ...
I quit my job to study LSAT(commuting was a burden so I thought ... blank on my resume. Will this be alright when I apply to ... law school? I am not young ... while since I graduated so I'm concerned about this..even my previous ...
Quick question - how much time should I leave to review LR questions ... within a section - I've recently gotten quick enough ... a similar approach and generally how much time to leave left ... 5 questions of a section - I've recently succeeded in getting ...
... reading section and I am wondering whether I should cancel my score. Given ... on or not, but I feel like my entire response for RC ... that I may score nothing for my RC section.
I am ... also the final shot. I took my first exam last year and ...