I plan on doing the CC for the ... LG and then after move on to drilling sections/question types ... this CC, I’m wondering howmany problem sets I should be ...
what is the distribution shape? If there are 25 problems in each LR section, howmany problems are 1 star, 2 star, 3, star, 4 star, and 5 star respectively?
Just wondering how other students do...
If you have free time all the day, (weekends, summer vacation etc) How do you study? Howmany questions or sections do you do&review?
Just trying to plot out my PT schedule for the coming weeks leading up to the December LSAT and am wondering, howmany PTS a week is ideal? Howmany is too many?
Howmany PT in total are we generally advised to take, prior to the actual exam? I will finish the core curriculum soon and will have about one month to take pt's. Is that enough? (taking the sep lsat)
Procrastinator here :) Howmany hours are you guys actually committing to studying daily? Seeing the commitment from others will make me feel inferior...and up my game! THANKS!
Howmany LR questions do top scorers ... skip in their Round 1? Howmany do they circle due to ... />
Am I completely skipping too many? Any suggestions or advice would ...