... referring to the ones used as examples and the problem sets (**not PTs ... can get back to foolproofing when you are done with core curriculum ... sets from the core curriculum. How have you guys scheduled in ...
Howare you with games? When are you sitting for ... enough time to expose yourself to all of the most recent tests than ... think the earlier PTs can be a good place to start and ... still was weak on newer PTs, missing 3-5 per section ...
... can get some input on how people have fool proofed the ... referring to the ones used as examples and the problem sets (**not PTs ... sets from the core curriculum. How have you guys scheduled in ... making inferences. Mastering those skills are crucial and will make you ...
... 7sage.com/the-blind-review-how-to-correctly-prep-for-lsat- ... course immediately. i will learn howto foolproof & blind review ... [old] untouched PTsto play with.
> you guys are ... year law student are you? how is it? how did you feel ...
... purchase on accounting for how things are (grade performance and so ... groups, thus playing off age old stereotypes about AAs.
... ?" I wasn't attempting to refer to her exact claims. I ... think that disparities like the ones mentioned would warrant a ...
... :
> @"Seeking Perfection" how long have you been using ... your second scores are consistent with your first ones then you're ... tell whether or not you are improving.
Additionally, ... was actually able to do the same number of PTs this way ...
First, howare you with flaw-types/Flaw ... with two ACs that are extremely similar in structure, and ... you can quickly eliminate areones that use obviously flawed ...
Obviously there are positives/negatives to these approaches, and none ...
... />
Yeah, of course there are plenty of seats available for ... I'm more trying to make concerns how the unlimited testing policy ... that those who are able to score 171-174 are mostly capable of ... to illustrate, my current PT avg for the 5 most recentPTs is ...
... />
> Yeah, of course there are plenty of seats available for ... I'm more trying to make concerns how the unlimited testing policy ... that those who are able to score 171-174 are mostly capable of ... to illustrate, my current PT avg for the 5 most recentPTs is ...
... early on that because you are having difficulty understanding it, you ... it and learn to spot similar arguments in future and howto perform each ... Bundle Strategy.
> 4.) PTs and BR.
... />
However if you are absolutely tied to June for whatever reason ... If you still have the oldPTs you took, I would input ... feature and try to pinpoint if there are any particular types ... people have different strategies for how they go about completing ...
... coming back to questions? Do you manage to get back to them? for ... those and go for the ones with a short stimulus and ... week. PTs should really just be a gauge of how you are progressing ... . An occasional check in to see if ...
... on taking all of my PTs with regular time until my ... 13 LR questions from an old PT and 1 RC ... burn out). With this you are not forgetting what you have ... nights and weekends are my only time to study so it ... in the beginning how much time was needed to study so I ...
... want to second what Poocherelli said. Space out your PTs. I ... would even say to do one ... How do you have time to thoroughly BR if you are ... also suggest doing more recent tests to get a sense ... of the exam! Time to pinpoint weaknesses, drill those ...
... calculates it based on how much time you have ... PTs. You won’t want to burn all the most recentPTs ... once. I used mostly PTs 50 and lower for ... tests are good for drilling but you need to make ... sure not to neglect more recent tests to get ...
... important.
> how long should I be timing ... the earlier PTs and just focus on the most recent? I understand ... that the more recent tests tend to test your inductive reasoning ... a note though that there are 9 PTs from the 70s and ...
I have a similar issue with a gap b ... of trying to reason to yourself why specific answer choices are wong. to 35) and see how long it takes you ... question type (NA) or just ones where you read the stimulus ...
... painfully obvious howsimilar the questions really areto one another and how they ... 50s and possibly a couple PTs from 60s-80s as ... ! Also be sure to save fresh PTs for PTing and drilling ... incase you decide to postpone or need to ...
... read was about how the death penalty needed to be abolished. I ... it. Not just the ones who are innocent and wrongfully accused, ... what kind of people we areto murder other people, even people ... comes up, discussing a very similar topic. I find that interesting ...
... . It's not how I planned my schedule to be a month ... at all, but these guided onesare perfect. Also, I love that ... 'm bumping my schedule to 2 PTs a week but with the ... and have a headache from how tired I am but I ... out and let you know how it goes
... am still figuring out howto record a whole PT.< ... means that you are not willing to move on from ... I can chose which onesto attempt first and start ... the question asks for how many of group2 where ... but it could be similarto what you are doing with RC - ...
... , I've taken an approach similarto @"samantha.ashley92"
I ... there, decide your strategy: are you going to focus on perfecting your ... has to be done/ how you're going to do it/ AND how you ... horrible (basically the last 3 PTs) is because I'm anxious ...
... powerscore books and doing 30 PTs, and that gave me a ... something similar.
No matter how motivated and hard working you are, it ... 's hard to say how long it actually ... run). And use that information to judge which upgrade you should ...
... like to start by apologizing as I am sure there aresimilar posts ... averaging around 160 on my PTs prior to the September test. Would ... not strong in RC, howare you going to do in law school?
... />
> @Bamboosprout what recordings are you talking about? The explanations ...
In many of the more recentPTs, JY has actual recordings of ... can see how his timing and skipping strategy compares to your ... does it in the more recentPTs. Sorry, I just noticed ...
... . I know flaw questions are challenging for everyone, but ... . You'll know the ones - the questions that take ... bother. Work on the ones you can do faster. ... />
"RC: On recent tests, these RC questions look ... because of how long it takes them to read the ...
... of time this summer to study? I purchased the ... a couple of the oldones included in the starter ... highly suggest if you are able to next semester. Really ... to see where you stand before studying and how ... much gaps you have.
You will have access to ...