... it depends on how much quality time you have to study each ... 10, & make a note how long it took you & ... for RC. Once you are close to your RC timing goals, complete ... />
Use the more recentPTs for your timed PTs/timed sections. This will ...
... here, 7sage shows you which PTsare still "clean" and completely untested ... , and also shows you how many questions you've seen ... the earliest tests first, to keep more recentPTs fresh.
... . I, too, wanted to save "fresh" PTs as long as possible ...
I noticed that some games are very easy to diagram. However, I am always unsure on how many sketches I should make. In order to save time, is there a general method for knowing when to draw multiple diagrams vs. using only one?
I am having trouble figuring out the hard LR questions. I want to be able to eliminate all the answers that I know are wrong, so I can leave the correct answer. Any tips?!? I hope I have made sense.
... that the current map used to show where different types of ... years old as long as the data gathered from them are not ... 60-year-old!
However I cannot see how does ... can get accurate weather pattern to predict the growth patterns?
... />
Just wanted to gain some insight on how others are tracking their progress ... . I currently use a pretty old ... school method, simply pen and paper (agenda) to keep ...
... I drop down to a 155. In the recentPTs I've been ... -159). My reading section continues to be relatively low, I usually ... get -9. My goal is to get a 165. I am ... you think raising my score to 165 is feasible. Thank you ...
... with the beast... here are the last few curves.< ... if it turns out to be a -12 or ... 5 most recent, 10 most recent, and 35 most recentPTs, were ... than my "average" thanks to strength in my non- ... />
Anyone else care to share?
... automatic you are likely going to want to blow your ... actually have NO IDEA how well it went ( ... if my process was similarto what it was ... to take risks. I cared so much about my scores and how ... PRACTICE figuring out which questions are best to skip.
< ...
... how people are handling the reading comp sections? I know some say to ... like the only ones I'm good at are the comparative passages ... . Anyone have any recommendations on how not to fail at reading comp?
... -6 to -8 per section without knowing what my weaknesses are. I ... my mistakes are mostly due to not being able to fully comprehend ... the passages (or enough time to digest them). For example, ... mental image, which contributes to less understanding of the passage ...
I may have to withdraw. My most recentPTs were going great ... until I got to the ... and my last few PTsare the exact same score ... schools that I want are at least 14 away ... />
Is taking another year to do better really worth the ...
... of mathematics to science to the application of language to things. < ...
So I find (B) to not be the purpose of ... third paragraph, it seems to only describe a part of ... shows how this position is similartohow the mathematical language relates to science.
... m looking to connect with folks who are going pedal-to-the- ... (too old and too long out of college to tease that ... may be, howare you harnessing the ever-mounting adrenalin to build momentum ... So, what are you doing?
... tree has will tell us howold a tree is.
• Before ... of time, we can determine howold a tree is by counting ... , there goes our argument. Howare we supposed to reach our conclusion from ... we’ll be able to tell howold trees are by counting its rings ...
... - sure we know howto read, but we need to switch from our ... and jump back onto the old one it was more familiar ... instantly throw my brain back to the old control algorithm and I ... mental preparation and mindset are so key to the LSAT.
... BR was only 10 pts higher on ones I circled. so I ... comp. Also, I note several ones I missed I either misread ... I should pay attention to?
Logic games are still my worse ... have hope.
All suggestions are encouraged.
... passage very differently from how you intended to, and end up ... think about timing challenges -- how long to give yourself when stuck ... type of question, or howto balance your time between two ... difficulty, 20 of them areones that are challenging for you, and ...
... get to sit around a lot) starting with the oldones and ... working up. The logic games seem to be ... with minutes to spare (besides "that" section) My main concerns are accuracy ... on the LR, and I have to start ...
... method to full length PT's; take the test, circle uncertain ones ... , go back and review uncertain ones after the test ... main conclusion etc. questions, howare we supposed to time ourselves on individual ...
... />
We were really eager to improve problem sets after LSAC ... the new ones. The new problem sets are the default. The old problem ... where they used to be if you select old problem sets. ... Shoutout to @focaliant for this ...