... can't seem to find a way to enter answers for a preptest I ... lsac lawhub)
edit: to be specific, I just upgraded ... Before, I was able to enter answers taken on "paper" no problem ... tests in the digital format on 7sage. I want to import answers because ...
... no time just to analyze and get a feel for ... />
3) Rely on the blind review to get a feel for what ... ve absorbed all the info toa usable degree just yet, ... confidence. That being said, how should I approach these exams ... just have nothing left to work on once I've ...
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me onhowto register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
... />
I am new to 7sage and plan on writing the november 2020 ... for some guidance or precedence onhowto effectively use the study schedule ... 46 and that seems to be quite a bit. If that is ... not doable, are there any suggestions onhowto ...
... out there have any tips onhowto improve speed and accuracy for ... under timed conditions, i tend to feel rushed and my score ... started studying about two and a half months ago and have ...
... how confident I am about each answer choice for a question during a ... missing out on this crucial step in the process of howto Blind ... to figure out whether an answer choice is 100% correct ona ... uncircled... Isn't it a stretch to be going through this deep ...
Any ideas onhowto take the test in a way that simulates the flex ... 7Sage doesn't allow you to only take the 3 sections ... in August and really want to practice with the closest version ...
Often I take like 1 or 2 sections (timed) and need to take a huge break because I am drained and can't focus on the remaining sections. How do I fix this?
... the option is to buy a couple tests here on 7sage? I only ... have access to the low ... seeing an option for it a couple months back, but maybe ...
Does anyone have any tips onhowto improve concentration? Not so much ... RC I find myself having to read the stimulus multiple times ... because of not being able to focus while I'm reading ... . I can barely sit through a whole PT. I'm not ...
Hi this is a really silly question: I can't figure out howto highlight or underline text when solving questions through the question bank/ PTs. I've tried all the buttons that are around the question page, but none seem to trigger a highlighting feature??
Does anyone have a good explanation for howto differentiate between the question stem ... />
I tend to confuse the question stems a lot for these ... categories, anyone have an advice onhow I ...
... I was shocked at how bad my reading ability ... my score from 150 to 170+ to have a decent chance. on RC. But I am willing to put in a ... to land 170+ (if that is realistic, lmk). I am wondering how ... I can improve at RC drastically. I guess I have to ...
I practiced a lot of LG questions and I got a huge improvement on it. However, my timing is terrible.
I want to ask for help on LG timing!
Please drop your advice!
Thank you so much :)
... and get -4 ona timed section that is a redo and I took ... retook an RC section today and got -4 compared to -5 when ... I should have been able to get those four questions correct ... the same thing and found a way to get their variability in ...
... need a sanity check cuz I get pretty frustrated with how ... able to get out of this rut?
How many ... for a -0, so I just want to be consistent with how ... />
Edit toadd: Anyone have tips on motivation to foolproof games to death? Generally ...
... />
Long story short, after a brief email discussion with target ... missed the (late) deadline by a few minutes. (Full disclosure: I ... same admissions office who just a day before said go ... help me with ideas about howto negotiate the target school back ...
... />
My digital study group is about to lose a few February-exam ... takers, so we're looking toadda few more members that are ... (weekdays) or entire PTs (weekends) on our own, then get together ... FaceTime to Blind Review our answers before we find out how ...
... but I'm curious howto use 7Sage to study. I think ... the holidays and I moved toa new city. Once I ... a month now and I just finished the Lawgic section. How ... to LG sections, 1 months to LR sections, 1 month to ... use the remaining months to drill and do practice ...
... and I have doubts about how well I did. I ... test performance today than ona typical PT but maybe ... br />
I started with a 152 diagnostic on Feb 1 and have ... toa 168 (scored between 167-170 on all 5 with BR typically a ... I scored 176 on BR after a 170 during timed ...
... is there asection of this site that explains howto actually interpret ... the data in the Question Performance section. ... In particular, I am trying to decipher ... over the bar indicate (how long I spent debating ...
... had a panic attack on the games section and ended up with a 167 ... and I don't want to count myself out. My undergrad ... the highest score I can to set me up for the ... LSAT and a part of me just wants to be happy ... about this score and move on.
... ! I've consistently gotten down toa -5 (-2, -3 BR) over ... on the list is LR. This is without a doubt my worst section ... strategies anyone has used to improve 3 to 4 questions in LR ... over missed questions on PTs? I'm open to all suggestions and ...
I got a 155 on my last practice test with a 170 on my blind ... review...huge difference I know. Any advice onhowto ... KNOW the material. I KNOW howto approach the questions. I need ... through this and figured out a strategy for turning your BR ...