I don't think it is necessary tobe good at LSAT to offer good LSAT advice. I think they are mentors because they have shown time and again that they are able to offer information that is helpful
... advice is not meant tobe condescending at all so please ... means but you need tobe 100% honest with yourself ... that you necessarily need to answer but these are ... be asking yourself when you review. My advice to you is to ... , I'd be more than happy to give you more ...
... do this :) Who told you to do PT's untimed? Unless ... :
I am mostly good at weakening, strongly supported and method ... />
Those are good things tobe good at! If you're getting MoR ...
... . Some stuff just has tobe second nature. You don ... most start taking PT to build your analytics. Your ... you what you need tobe drilling. At that point you ... can go back to the curriculum ... was able to actually digest what needed tobe done. I ...
I think you should try to learn howtobe able to switch between problem types, and remember howto work through the SA questions after having done a series of other question types. It's a different kind of mental work that you need to harness.
... field ? Also JD/MBA seems tobe a good option but that ... . So the options were either to get admission into one program ... at a school simultaneously and that would mean one would need tobe ... accepted at both independently.
I really appreciate all of the support to participate! It actually helped calm my nerves while my twin daughters wait on their last 2 UGrad acceptance/denial emails due tobe released at any moment. I wasn't kidding about background distractions:)
... effort has been expended to uncover the sources of ... . The causal factors posited tobe implicated in this “epidemic” ... growing incentives for school districts to report autism diagnoses, and ... the increase would appear tobe slight at best, hardly justifying the ...
... be willing to bet they will try to avoid the smaller desks at ... to place you at a small one, you could always ask nicely tobe ... placed at a larger one, assuming ... expect most proctors would be sympathetic to that kind of request.
... to law school won't necessarily hurt, but doesn't need tobe ... mentioned at all. The admit office ... They are assessing your contribution to their school's standing and ... why I could contribute meaningfully to your student body." Plus, ...
... I would definitely delay at least until December. ... really need tobe scoring at least at their target ... scores by now. It's too close to ... time to ... one you want to have to learn for ...
... thing that close to time is to just understand that ... re out of time to make significant improvements. ... breakthrough can be really destructive. So just be cool ... and shift your study strategy away from trying to ... all you want tobe doing at that point.
... the actual exam in order tobe a competitive applicant. I really ... about determination, cultural sensitivity and howtobe creative with the rules I ... fashion and how I can bring legally-minded ideas to those industry ...
... choices one. Be reflective to identify timing mistakes and work ... strategy includes skipping questions to get to all 25 in 25 ... on them (I used tobe terrible at In-Out games until I ... random numbers). Just stay motivated to improve every day. You will ...