... tests and sections, listened to all the 7Sage podcasts ... and figured out strategies to improve. I also read ... a168. My aim is to get to a 170+ and ... able to get my learning to where it needs to be to ... what. Any advice on howto proceed would be greatly appreciated ...
I was wondering if some of yall could post examples of how you BR the logicalreasoning section. I am stuck in the 20-22 per section and would really like that to be 22-24.
... I'm still getting used to the difference. My last ... 'll also drill those to make sure I don' ... SO difficult for me to get any type of ... accommodations I am absolutely unsure howto approach RC passages sometimes. ... like any other game? How about Reviewing the RC? ...
... school decides what to ask and howto phrase the questions in ... faculty, and counsel would meet to discuss the application.
... this an isolated offense?
- How many offenses?
- Was ... in behavior?
- How recent were these incidents?
... . Not great. Then I decided to start with 7Sage and give ... my full time job recently to take a break and fully ... some reason when it comes to taking the actual prep test ... any helpful advice on howto improve or tips to apply when taking ...
... job it is extremely hard to focus and not stress ... after that I go straight to the library. I usually ... try to study for 4 hours, ... being able too, because of how stressful it is. I feel ... anyone has any advice on howto handle a full time job ...
... been using the question bank to redo logic games. However, ... 't seem to able to change.
How do you ...
Also, does anyone know howto edit a set once it ... every time I've wanted to make an edit, I' ... ve had to remake the entire set from ...
... anyone has any advice on howto divvy up the study time ... designated to each section. I tried dedicating ... a set amount of time to studying one section. For example ...
... feelings about how you performed in the section tend to correlate ... recognizing how those inferences were formed. What did we do to ... develop your own process as tohowto make sure all those things ... an entire separate post on howto do this, but this typically ...
... have any recommendations as tohowto effectively review/study in between practice ... per week each Saturday, blind reviewing the same day, ... section per day and blindreview. Friday I review all the sections. ... has any suggestions as tohow I can improve my ...
... sub questions. I average -0 to -3, but when I miss ... , they are almost always due to a careless mistake. For instance ... someone offer good advice on howto stop making careless errors in ...
So I decided to stop studying for the LSAT on July 2019 and focus on my school. Now I am going to restart. I was not doing that good actually so I want to redo the whole CC. Any advice on howto do this and in general any tips for restarting ?
... it comes to Logic Games. That is how I ended ... looking for advice on howto use all the resources ... ) Is it feasible to still try to take the August lsat ... 3 months away, intending to increase my score ten ... thinking August but wanted to hear everyone's thoughts. ...
... give me some advice on howto improve my speed while also ... (1-35) because I wanted to focus on improving my accuracy ... don't have extra time to check those questions that I ...
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me on howto register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
I've noticed that I do much better on the first two sections and much poorly on the last two, regardless of the category. Any tips on howto stay focused?
... and need an advice on howto continue studying before the test ... me somewhere 5-6 days to complete one PT, I translate ... I won't be able to go through enough PTs if ... one section at a time? How should I schedule LR, RC ...
I am new to 7sage and plan on writing ... some guidance or precedence on howto effectively use the study schedule ... are 46 and that seems to be quite a bit. If ... , are there any suggestions on howto make my own schedule?
... anyone know howto set the problem set timer to 35 minutes? I ... don't want to see my time going from ... 0:00 to 35:00 so the unlimited ... , I want to have the timing set to 35 minutes to 0 rather ...
... better, but I continue to have significant issues with MBT ... questions. Any suggestions on how I can improve in these ... approach so far has been to practice the hardest questions ... .
Suggestions on howto improve in these areas – especially ...
I feel like my accuracy is pretty good on LR, but does anyone have any advice on howto get through the section in a more timely manner? Strategies? Shortcuts?