... whining about my score to my bf and how i felt 2months ... that
'its just a standardized test the longer you studying does ... in time.
i know reading speed boosts with time and ... ~-2
... been using the question bank to redo logic games. However ... 't seem to able to change.
How do you ... pin an entire game, instead of just a ... Also, does anyone know howto edit a set once it's been ... edit, I've had to remake the entire set ...
Does anyone know how I could get the answers for the "More ReadingComprehension" question sets? Do you have to complete all 10 before you can check the answers?
Hi how can I take one or two sections digitally and BR? Currently to take a section you have to start with sec 1 ona pt. how can i do like sec 2+3 digitally of a pt and not have to do sec 1
... tell me how I should read the varying percentages on the 7Sage ... , there is a school on my list where I have a 38% chance ... , would this particular school be a target or reach? Thank you ...
... makes it a bit harder to do a click-through review in an efficient ... way. I was wondering how ... other folks liked toreview the answers on past PTs.
... if anyone has any advice onhowto divvy up the study time ... I tried dedicating a set amount of time to studying one section ... . For example, I would spend a week on ... me neglecting the section for a week. Has anyone else experienced ...
... need to be able to master games in practice easily transfer totest day ... />
Your performance ona logic game hinges on your setup. Lots of ... write an entire separate post onhowto do this, but this typically ...
... a 151 diagnostic back in June to that score on my most recent preptest ... ! I just wanted to say ... thank you to everyone on ... it definitely helped me get to this spot!
... improvement, but I'd like to see if I can get ... average of 1-2 questions onreadingcomprehension, and about the same for ... all logic games ona timed test. I usually guess ona majority of the ... for improving speed and accuracy on the logic games section?
... questions have a "target" indication next to them in addition to the ...
When it's available, how should I interpret this target ... .Y. believes one ought to spend on this particular question? a huge value-add but just not sure howto interpret ...
... June 2007 preptest and am now doing the blind review, however, I ... must Centre 2 recycle?" A. Glass
B. Newsprint A. P, T
B. ... />
Would anyone be able to explain howto find the right answer for ...
... on practically every section known to man since I have fool proofed a ... everything would go back to normal, but I just ... score was a -8 and BR was a -6 (ona section labeled ... more prepared than ever to take the LSAT Flex ... to go down? Do I back off the drilling on ...
... questions. I average -0 to -3, but when I ... they are almost always due toa careless mistake. For instance ... checking 82.2.1, a very easy "140" MBT ... I know I feel a little nervous doing timed ... someone offer good advice onhowto stop making careless errors ...
So I decided to stop studying for the LSAT on July 2019 and focus on my school. Now I am going to restart. I was not doing that good actually so I want to redo the whole CC. Any advice onhowto do this and in general any tips for restarting ?
... could give me some advice onhowto improve my speed while also ... wanted to focus on improving my accuracy first. I started with a 144 ... I think I should focus on improving my speed, because under ... don't have extra time to check those questions that I ...
I'm currently registered for the July LSAT-Flex. Can someone tell me if I'm supposed to wait for an email from LSAC that will direct me onhowto register for a ProctorU account, or am I supposed to go ahead and make one myself? Thanks much in advance!
... March and am aiming for a 165. I average missing 4 ... LR section, missing about 3 on LG, but RC is killing ... anyone had any tips onhowto improve. I plan to take the October ... and doing 2 RC sections a day (one in the morning ...
... />
I am new to 7sage and plan on writing the november 2020 ... for some guidance or precedence onhowto effectively use the study schedule ... 46 and that seems to be quite a bit. If that is ... not doable, are there any suggestions onhowto ...
... out there have any tips onhowto improve speed and accuracy for ... under timed conditions, i tend to feel rushed and my score ... started studying about two and a half months ago and have ...
I feel like my accuracy is pretty good on LR, but does anyone have any advice onhowto get through the section in a more timely manner? Strategies? Shortcuts?
Any ideas onhowto take the test in a way that simulates the flex ... 7Sage doesn't allow you to only take the 3 sections ... really want to practice with the closest version of the test I ...
... , I am currently at a loss about howto explain what the LSAT ... am overwhelmed with LSAT prep (taking aug test) along with my other ... who have never taken the test or prepped for it just ... I just don't know howto explain hahaha.
... still have a good chance of admission? Basically, how necessary ... in law in applying to law school? I'm ... aiming to score in the 170s for my real test ... today ona practice test). This year I am also going to ... will have the time to obtain a legal internship until ...
... the option is to buy a couple tests here on 7sage? I only ... have access to the low ... seeing an option for it a couple months back, but maybe ...
... 'd like to ask for some advice onhowto go through problem ... many comments trying to articulate the reasoning on their own ... I still try to explain it on my own after( ... aiming on PT.
As I took some prep classes ...
I was going to tackle only on q.types I'm ...
Hi this is a really silly question: I can't figure out howto highlight or underline text when solving questions through the question bank/ PTs. I've tried all the buttons that are around the question page, but none seem to trigger a highlighting feature??
I ... and just got a 162 on my first timed practice test, have been ... studying for a couple weeks but haven't gotten to the readingcomprehension or ... to go from a solid income to having to take out loans to go to ...