... in the stimulus. In other words, **stick to the passage**. Train your eyes to ... find the gaps in the author's arguments ... why you missed it and howto avoid making the same mistake next ...
... new, and sometimes both in the same question. Both ... important especially when your logical reasoning skills are still developing. ... you're done developing your reasoning skills).
... being forced to learn howto attack the simple questions in a ...
... they talk about howto avoid the common mistakes and how students panic but ... , remember how much work you've put in, you deserve to do well ... that can happen? You retake in January, so what? That's ... help you!! You've put in the work and I promise ...
... reality is that we learn howto walk before we can ... , but why? how do you prevent similar mistakesin the future? When ... I shifted my perspective from scoring to ... have a solid process to respond to that ask ACCURATELY! Remember ...
... you've been using 7Sage to study for the LSAT you ... that you're more likely to preform better if from here ... which will help you avoid makingsillymistakes. Just remember that its not ...
... the argument. Try to identify the biggest gap inreasoning. The author usually ... do I need answered to help me judge how good or bad ... for an answer closely related to my prephrase.
If ... on the conclusion (the answer to the question wouldn't STR ...
Lol LSAC be like “I know howtostop Saturday testers from posting about the test online — let’s crash the site in the middle of the test so they don’t know what’s on the test!” Honestly screw those guys
... , but once I started to read them to actually comprehend, the answers ... it. Idk if I am making sense here, but you gotta ... it online howto do it for free.
In other words ... took me a while to get use to them.
... Another way to measure progress and know when tostop is if ... could decide when tostop by measuring progress in different ways, but ... effective to let your comfort level and results determine how many ... number of problems to drill before seeing how you're doing ...
... do poorly in October because then you will have to wait 5 ... question wrong and howto prevent making that same mistake in future. LSAT and ... law school in general ... it is wiser to wait a year to apply to schools with ...
... />
IE I've filled in the pieces based on the ... out the ones I used to find the ones I didn ... it just taking the time to write out all pieces and ... the used ones in order to save time and mistakesin the long run ...
... talk about howto determine where you are in your prep, and howto let ... your level of ability guide your efforts in order to ... get the most out of each PT and to ... />
You can also dial in using your phone.
United ...
... game in a practice test (# unknown) recently. I am wondering how best to ... approach it. I am especially interested in understanding howto diagram ... this game. Thanks in advance!
... advice and experience with applying to law school and attending law ... truly believe having a mentor in the area that you are ... sure what avenues are available to seek out this information. I ... ideas and/or suggestions on howto find a mentor. Thanks in advance!
... I find myself really struggling to see how they work. This is ... hard time seeing how any AC does something to the argument ... different, was I able to see how the right answer weakened ... />
Any suggestions on howto approach questions like this in a better way ...
Hey guys! I need a couple more points for the February test. What are some "last-minute" measures I should take? I just go the LSAT trainer book and is working hard at it. What else should I do?
... to put for my answers to each question in ... the section, but I'm confused as tohow ... idea howto properly format the answer in this ... formatting vs how it comes out in the ... student review of changes in university admission standards.
... that have employed both programs in their study regimen, what ... you found to be the most effective approach in managing these ...
Not sure howto juggle these two approaches in the most timely ... and effective manner nor what to ...
... , but I can't seem to make it stick. A 156 ... . Any suggestions on howto get those extra points in the final stretch ... ? My weaknesses continue to be both ... 'd love to hear your experiences with score fluctuations in the final ...
... having so much trouble trying to fund out what goes ... or the necessary conditions. Specifically in group 3 and 4. ... me to a specific lesson in the syllabus or explain to me howto better ... distinguish what goes in the sufficient ...
/heat to cause volcanic action --->/renewed ... . I didn't know howto diagram it. I feel ... some clarification on howto diagram this stimulus. Thanks in advance!
So on LSAC, they show the score after each section I take on a practice LSAT. It can be quite distracting, and I was wondering if there is a setting I can change on LSAC that would hide the score I get after each section? If anyone could help, I would ...