
Word Docs Hits
i 167.1K 723.8K
am 32.7K 49.2K
trying 9.3K 10.6K
to 152.1K 560.6K
sign 1.8K 2.1K
up 35.3K 47.9K
for 107.2K 222.8K
the 163.6K 765.2K
monthly 222 277
subscription 517 869
but 76.6K 124.1K
my 69.8K 152.3K
card 286 368
is 102.3K 238K
getting 13.8K 16.5K
declined 69 79
checked 1.2K 1.2K
and 132.7K 407.4K
has 21.6K 27.1K
enough 8.5K 9.9K
funds 137 161

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