
Word Docs Hits
i 165.6K 719K
was 48.7K 90.6K
just 56.5K 83.4K
approved 681 918
for 106.5K 221.4K
the 162.5K 760.5K
fee 1.1K 1.7K
waiver 565 871
from 41.9K 60.7K
lsac 10K 14.5K
can 59.4K 91.5K
get 48.7K 70.6K
a 134.7K 431.8K
free 5.5K 6.8K
7sage 23.8K 37.1K
course 9K 11.6K
heard 4K 4.4K
that 102.5K 263.6K
might 12.6K 15.3K
be 75.9K 133.5K
able 12.6K 14.7K
to 150.9K 557K
starter 1.1K 1.4K
if 75.2K 133.2K

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