I swear I remember learning in one of the lessons that the lawgic if A then B and C can be rewritten as if A and B then C and vise versa but I can't find that lesson anywhere and am not sure if I just made that rule up in my head. Is this lawgic logical?
... passages for RC and even then I only somewhat understand ... hope was: "if you want to be a lawyer then it doesn ... and that if I put my mind to it then I ... October one and take it then, and thenif I score better than ... lsat I'll keep it ifnotthen I'll cancel it. I ...
... my favorite section. I actually cannot wait go buy Primatology on ... paragraph, and not all of them? Ifnot, then it's not the MP. Like ... , that do not *somehow* support the central argument cannot glue themselves to ...
... just asking that same question not too long ago (I ... cannot see how one can ever score lower then their full potential if ... score and then sign up for the test after. If this happens ... to be September, then great. Ifnot, then there will aways be another ...
... you know "cannot" is an embedded conditional and not a conditional ... />
> If erosion thencannot be controlled
> If erosion then /controlled ... ;
> Unless implemented, if erosion, thennot controlled.
& ...
... know "cannot" is an embedded conditional and not a ...
> > If its not apparent, you just have to ... ;
> > If erosion thencannot be controlled
> ...
> > Unless implemented, if erosion, thennot controlled.
> > ...
... "some people say" statements do NOT support the conclusion. In fact ... />
I would love to know if anybody can find any counterexamples ... this "some people say" rule. Ifnot, then it would provide a simple ... . It's easy to find if you know what you're ...
... are ready in October, then apply, ifnotthen wait until you have all ... br />
-If yes, then you want to use that
-If no then DON ... in this story? If you're not active then the topic probably doesn ... you? Did it change you? Ifnotthen it will feel like blah ...
... earlier dinosaur that was not a T.Rex had ... , long legs) did not develop in order to accommodate ... If the earlier dinosaur is NOT related to the T.Rex, then ... away? And imagine if the dinosaur was almost ... evidence in the stimulus? Ifnot, then doesn't that prove ...
... /RC could have been better if my mind was in the ... those moments where I knew if I was in the right ... have liked and if the stars align we chillin, ifnotthen rip. It ...
Knowing things like how to map no/nobody and unless and stuff like that. Is it enough for tough coniditonal lr quesitons? Ifnotthen how do you do them better?
I'm sure i'm not the only one who has ... question is: does anyone know if tablets that allow you to ... purchase some kind of tablet if we are only allowed to ... and paper for Logic games. Ifnot, then does anyone have any advice ...
Not to worry, I did the same. Just make sure that you will work more hard this time. Ifnot, then do not cancel. It's better to have a 150, than 2 weeks before the december and saying to yourself, of F*** I have not studied at all!
... cancelling your score right then. You just have to ... score stand. If it goes well, then I'm off ... school in September, and ifnot, then I'll re-evaluate and ... that its not the end of the world if things ... working hard and not get discouraged :) If you think about ...
Know thyself. If you think you would benefit ... off, take a day off. Ifnot, then take a PT the day ... of the LR sections and not doing an experimental -- kind of ...
Are they the same question types you are consistently getting wrong? Are you Blind Reviewing each passage? Ifnot, then definitely do those. Also, what types of passages are you struggling on, if any? Try to find some literature on those subjects.