
Word Docs Hits
if 75.2K 133.1K
the 162.4K 760.1K
average 5.6K 7.3K
consumption 91 127
of 105.5K 276.2K
eggs 145 192
in 103.6K 240.1K
united 543 606
states 1.6K 1.9K
were 15.4K 20K
cut 1.4K 1.5K
half 3.2K 3.8K
an 38.4K 54.6K
estimated 88 105
5 13.5K 18K
000 689 1.1K
lives 431 487
might 12.6K 15.3K
be 75.8K 133.4K
saved 684 733
each 13.2K 17.5K
year 10K 14.5K

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