a) correct answer, even though the LSAT does ... , but could be a great answer if the stimuli was for ... ) a trap response by reversing answer choice (a)
e) Nope ...
SO it seems to be easy to own easy flaw questions but the harder ones...the answers are so vague! And I've been getting everyone of the harder flaws wrong! GAH! I'm taking my LSAT in FEB but I NEED to master these.
I was wondering what everyone's thoughts were on this method?
So far I've just been doing VIEWSTAMP and following the 7Sage advice, but I can't help but miss several per PT section. Anyhow, I was wondering if it would help to switch it up a ...
... passage, you will find an Answer related to that Q, that ... that P. Next to that Answer, write A1. I make gratuitous ... margin to the Question or Answer they refer to in the ... may instead come across another answer to the first question that ...
... picked (B) over the correct answer (D) without hesitation. The question ... (B) isn't an ideal answer, I felt it fit more ... " which I read as the answer does not necessarily have to ...
Anyone having a hard time changing answers during the Blind Review? I find myself biased toward the initial answer chosen and convince myself to stick with the original choice regardless if it turns out to be right or not...
... to. Then, I check the answer. This way, I know exactly ... -timed LSAT then checking the answer to each question after you ... head when you see the answer.