... keep trying to draw out diagrams on your own, even if it takes you ... an hour to ... puzzle for however long it takes to figure outon your own. And what ... you did figure out timed, ...
Out of curiosity, how much have you improved so far? I can't believe that test was curved so much! That's insane! I would've freaked outontestday if it was that hard and probably wouldn't have done my best-- regardless of the curve.
> Curious as to why you would ED ... I was going to hit that ontestday. Then I ... to -2 on LG, -3 to -5 on LR, and -2 to -4 on ... RC. I think that day (although it ... was undisclosed) I missed 6 on ...
... for me I'd count it as a superstition, more like ... a preference. I also have to have on super comfy clothes. My ... PTs, so I might have to wear them ontestday haha
... . I actually would love to be a prosecutor, though ... The LSAT/scholarship is really going to be a life-changer ... won't be able to pay off loans as ... classroom.
Isit possible towork for big law for a ... , and then transition to public prosecution?
Just tell them "Trust me, trust me, trust me..." and walk away. Tell them "I am not settling for this score. I can do so much better. Since when isitgoodto settle?" Good luck!
... to the list, I found it made it alot less anxiety provoking ontestday ... reality it just crushed my confidence minutes before the test, probably ... the worst possible to thing you can do the day ... of a test lol
... score is under the assumption that OP underperformed ontestday. I ... think we can all agree that one take is ... ideal but sometimes people underperform ontestday for reasons unrelated to ... studying for a retake is much more beneficial for ...
Just FYI, take your score on PT 48 with a grain ... PT 60s. PT 40-49 is great for practice. However, those ... showcase what you're going to be seeing ontestday. LR evolves later ...
the $19.99 will only unlock Property, is that correct? How isit going towork or cost for Torts, Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure, Criminal Law, Legal Writing? OR Will all of them be included?
... 't be able to take the digital LSAT on an iPad. < ... br />
Per LSAC's policies, tablet software is ... unable to be used ontestday. Only a laptop ... form of) Windows or Mac is acceptable:
... sense because that is what I will be doing ontestday. The score ... />
So if you want to estimate your score with only ... Score Converter which is based on having the same raw to scaled conversion ... the raw score scaled up to account for the reduction in ...
This happened to me about two ... stopping! You recognized that it was off and instead of ... dose of anxiety you chose to take care of yourself. ... Take it easy but not too easy this test does matter ... don't want to be nonchalant ontestday...remember that a higher ...
Probably the majority of us seeing this discussion forum have not taken the LSAT before, but, do you have any special advice, experience, do's and don´ts that you would like to share regarding LSAT testday?
... wake up before my class to take a PT at 8 ... ? I'm not sure how to overcome this difference because I ... I don't want to face this ontestday. I mean, how long ... am I supposed to be awake ...
... the view of the camera ontestday during intermission? Or we must ... /drink away from the camera ontestday? What are the snacks that ... we can bring for testday? I do not see this ...
... and lessen your chances to do well ontestday. Get better as quickly ... . A break from the test before testday may actually help you anyway ... . I myself have done next to ... , and I can't wait to get back to studying tomorrow.
@"Alex Divine" Yeah, I have the same problem because of my short nails. Also, my watch pin sometimes gets stuck, which is the last thing you want ontestday!
... average if you want to hit 170 ontestday. For older tests and ... intensive BR, you probably want to be hitting around 175 in ... your practice to be safe at 170 for testday.
The drag racers just outside my bedroom window. They provide the most obnoxious sounds that nothing would be able to trump that ontestday. If I need to escape them, then I would go to the library or nearby coffee shop!
Agree with all of the above. Make sure that if you're taking caffeine pills though that you aren't doing it for the first time ontestday and you aren't breaking from your normal habits.