At last 5 minutes, I tend to ... become quite inefficient at the last five minutes for each section ... passage. I used to use last five minutes to check the ... :
1. Stay calm at last 5 minutes (first five minutes ...
... 6 minutes left before the last logic game. I'm not ... cancelling the score. And by Jan/early Feb, I will be ... be able to take one last exam in Feb. I also ...
... , do you do comp. passages last or first or just in ... been clicking, and on my last two p-tests, I got ... />
If I do comp passages last, I get the easiest/easier ...
I know LSAC has been changing it up lately. When was the last time they pulled this baby out? Do we see this happening soon ? I enjoy them more than a lot of other games but I am just curious as to when this rarely used game may be making a comeback
Hello, I'm wondering, what and how should we study in this last month? Just reviewing?
Suppose we can devote full-time for studying...what would be the best way to use those time for prep for LSAT?
... out a lot over the last few phases of studying. Jan/Feb I went through all ... . I normally get to the last 2 pages of questions around ... helpful to squeeze out my last few points and gain some ...
... Sept LSAT score (167) last night and scored substantially lower ... ended up rushing through the last passage, barely reading and ... (the application is technically due Jan 1st. but Dec. LSAT ... score release date is Jan 4th).
... Sept LSAT score (167) last night and scored substantially lower ... ended up rushing through the last passage, barely reading and ... (the application is technically due Jan 1st. but Dec. LSAT ... score release date is Jan 4th).