I plan on taking the June 2014 LSAT should I not receive my ideal score on the Feb. 2014 one.
I have inadequate knowledge as to whether or not having taken the LSAT twice adversely affects my shot at getting into a good law school. Any thoughts?
I am prepping to take my LSAT June 2014 looking for study partners in the Down Town Long Beach, CA area. Fairly new to the LSAT world.Please LMK if interested!
Just a thought - has anyone else noticed an increase in repetitive answer choices, such as getting answer choice D for 14, 15, 16 and 17? It seems like as I've worked through the newer tests it becomes more prevalent.
Hey - I'm looking for someone to review problem sets or practice exams. I'm on EST and can review on weekends or weeknights. Please let me know if anyone is interested. My email is Nocera4@tcnj.edu
I am studying LSAT preptests. I would like to discuss your thinking behind test questions and anything else needed to brush up on. I prefer meeting via Skype or an online chat method. You can email me at create.jewels@gmail.com if interested to have one.