Hello! This is my first time posting a question. I am having trouble understanding why e is the correct answer. Is it correct because to if it's unpopular with the teachers than we ...
Can someone please explain and map out the logic for this question, and explain why (E) is the correct answer? The last sentence of the stimulus is tripping me up. Greatly appreciated!
... the LSAT, I took the June2007 PT. I did this to ... 7Sage to prepare for the June 2016 LSAT. For one of ... am supposed to take the June2007 PT, which I foolishly wasted ... 34 in place of the June2007 PT? Or should I skip ...
Struggling so hard with why C is right and E is wrong. I didn't like either answer choice but under time pressure, chose E because thought C was challenging the premise. I've watched ...
We are told that Sugared beverages can be helpful in avoiding dehydration AND sugared beverages can delay muscle fatigue.
Hi there,
I am so confused about this problem and have no idea about whats it talking about.
What does "This fact gives the traditional attribution of a disputed painting special weight" mean and how do we strengthen the opposite of it? ...
Hi, I was wondering whether anyone could explain why E is correct.
I was not sure about E because it says more than half of the students received a grade of B-or higher, but I ...
Are the words "all potential" just meant to throw us off?
I am curious to see if anyone can tell me why they use the term "all potential"nuclear reactor sites in such a region.... why did they not just say "nuclear reactor sites in such a ...
I'm trying to understand where my thinking went wrong here, because the truth is that even after spending a lot of time with this question, I know I could make the same ...
For the June2007 Prep Test, for Section 4 ... /> ... />