... you start 7Sage. I believe JY talks about this in the ... in the future. Then, watch JY's explanation and compare it ... me hours, even after hearing JY's explanation, of staring at ... , I straight up disagree with JY and come up with my ...
... if possible, compared it to JY's live recordings for the ... that, and then compare with JY's live recording last). This ... , you then compare it to JY's recordings to see what ...
Was wondering what role if any the undergrad school you attended plays in the law admission process i.e. if a higher ranked school looks better, lower looks worse - increasing or decreasing chances respectively?
I know during the actual LSAT, it'll be 5 sections. Does anyone know what JY recommends? If it's recommended to use 5, I'll just take a section from an earlier PT and add it in.
Does JY have any lessons on comparative RC passages and how to approach them? I just cannot find any at the moment and thought maybe it was just me. Not sure though lol.
Title says it all. I live in Canada and 7Sage provides a great ranking system (that also estimates your chances of acceptance) for law schools in the US but none for Canada. Does anyone have more information on Canadian law schools?
... to anticipate and predict how JY would explain the question as ... of: anticipate the JY, feel the JY, become the JY. Quite a few ... 've started to think like JY, and I believe they probably ...