anyone ever tried using an offer to get off a wait list? Ex-school X (ranked 25) offers you a seat and you have 2 weeks to respond. School Y (first choice, rank 45) wait lists you.
I am considering purchasing a course for 7sage. I was wondering which course packets include video explanations for answers to Logical Reasoning questions for PrepTests 1-38.
The 7Sage ... to apply the group 3 indicator rule (negate sufficient) and ... treat the other indicator as negation we get: /A ... result by just ignoring the indicator rules and instead understanding them ...
... like to throw together a list of other tricky questions I ... between " a complete and accurate list of the people who could ... " and "a complete and accurate list of the people any of ... like to add to the list? Or tips on how you ...
... impossible to form a complete logical argument in which the key ... it also seems that every logical argument but one necessarily uses ... least two terms. (The only logical argument that only uses one ... don't actually consist of logical arguments as such. If so ...