... the most trouble on the law passages in RC. I'm ... not great with the law vocab and pretty terrible with ... the history of law. Especially those ones with things ... heard a great recommendation for law podcasts, but I really need ...
... 'm starting to prepare my law school applications, and I have ... average for all of the law schools I'm concerned with ... my dream of going to law school, as they didn't ... home as much to help out. My grades drastically increased.
... is a JD international law program, considering the typical ... 'international law' degree is an LLM ? < ... litigate? Meet with international law clients, like big corporations ... an international lawyer practicing law outside of the United ...
... to receive some advice regarding law school apps. I was advised ... to apply to law school through Ontario Law School Application service ... there are about only 7 law schools here. I was wondering ... I reapply to the same law schools that I applied to ...
... that basically made me run out of time was only a ... -6 scares the living hell out of me and stresses me ... out. Obviously every test is different, ...
I am signed up for Oct 2015 *freaks out* what happens if I chicken out and decide to change my date to December? What looks worse... Taking in October and get a shitty score and retake it in December or withdrawing from October and taking it in December
... goal is to pursue a law degree with a healthcare certificate ... />
That being said, International Law sounds super sexy and may ... a way to fuse Healthcare Law with a sprinkle of International ... Law to broaden my employability ...
... having a hard time getting out. When I started this 7Sage ... />
Did I burn myself out? Does anyone else feel totally ... ? How do you get yourself out?
... ? I also didn't find out about the BR method until ... and fix them, and figure out something for reading comprehension using ... year before I apply to law schools, my GPA is almost ...
... a 147. I've figured out that I'm only missing ... get to because I run out of time. I've gotten ... 'm just not made for law school. It seems like the ... 't try to go to law school."). I've been studying ... I had longer (my pre-law advisor actually told me I ...
... . I WILL NOT apply to law school with a score lower ... . I will not go to law school at Sticker Price. no ... />
please help this poor soul out. I am TIRED of dealing ...
Just starting to create my resume for law school and wanted to know if anyone would be willing to send me theirs so that I can see the proper format/template and how a law school resume should be constructed. Would really appreciate, thanks!