... was about : RC - 15, LR:13, LR 15, LG 14 (these are ... answer I picked, which was wrong. This tells me its a ... part, and this was in LR which is usually my best ... -3, but preferably to -0. LR, strangely, didn't show much ...
Wondering for the LR, if J.Y. suggests us doing them (IE: drilling them) in the order they are given in the syllabus, due to their nature of building on one another? Or am I wrong in this thinking?
I have the ... going over questions I got wrong and understanding what I did ... wrong. I'm also going over ... weakness is LR where I am still getting many questions wrong.
(Or anything that comes close? I'm basically looking for the best strategy to study for RC and LR, since I know I will be using the foolproof method to master LG).
What kind of LR Types come up most often on the recent tests? What type of LR questions should we be focusing on mostly? Any help is greatly appreciated!
... worked for me for the LR, hope it helps someone. I ... implemented something new with my LR and it has really helped ... 2-3 questions in each LR that I honestly begin to ...
... who wants to improve on LR. I would like to do ... right, why 4 wrong. I consistently miss 5-6 LR questions. I ... also need to improve my LR speed. I am good with ...
What are the most common question types on LR, as in the types such as weakening, principle etc that appear the most often on the test. We know what the most common LG types are, I'm just wondering if there are also any hard statistics for LR?
While Blind Reviewing the LR section, how exactly does every ... …….and the other answers are wrong because….. You picked this answer ... by the way)….. but its wrong because……”
... for that YJ! However, my LR and RC have remained stagnant ... here completing about 14-18 LR's/section and 13-14 ... replaced them with Economist passage drills. In any case, Is their ...