In PT 13, Section 4, Question 7, when Murray says "You ... very relevant to answering the question, though not absolutely necessary. PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of question"**
I don't understand how E is the right answer over D. I eliminated the answer choice E because she claimed to be an insurance adjuster and didn't provide proof. How is claiming to be anything providing enough proof of being a government official? If the ...
I understand why the correct answer choice is correct because if robots were the only things going out to space, then why do we need to know anything about human limits but I don't understand why B is incorrect. Isn't the stimulus making the assumption ...
@Sahng-Ah, you can certainly ask these questions here. Have you taken a look at the video explanations?
This is an excellent list that I will be bookmarking. Thank you. PT 29 Section 4 Question 24 is illustrative. A very complex weakening question containing causation.
... wonderful advice. I have one question: how is strengthening/ weakening the ... take a look at PT 58 Section 4 question 23.
The ... a five star difficulty strengthening question. I am sure a big ... of the difficulty of this question is answer choice "A" ...