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Good looking lawyers make more money?
So there's been a few studies that found that good looking people make more money on average over their lifetime than people who are not good looking…
Monty Python and the Holy Grail AND LOGIC
Found this interesting blog post about a logical fallacy in the witch scene of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It focuses on an inductive argument f…
A Monty Python Explanation for What an Argument is?
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Are the Medium and Hard "problem sets" worth the extra money?
Just curious. I would like to take the September LSAT, so I don't intend on needing it more than 4.5 - 5 months. However the two most expensive cours…
Feel Good Anecdotal Stories of People Getting Accepted into DreamSchools/Big Scholarship Money
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Follow the money, not the rank
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Does applying later affect the amount of scholarship money one might get?
I know that applying in Feb as opposed to November decreases one's chances of getting accepted, but does this affect the amount of scholarship money …
Is there a method to gauge how much scholarship money a school may give based on your LSAT score?
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Negotiate money? Give a deadline? Seat deposit? Plz help
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How should I negotiate for more money
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How to list jobs on my resume that all had essentially the same duties?
I worked at a law firm as an intern for 2 months, quit for a couple months to work retail and make money, then took on both my part time retail job a…
... to work retail and make
, then took on both my ...
October 2017
Law School Admissions
Is It Too Late?
So I was really hoping that my Sept score would be enough for me to comfortably apply to the schools that I'm targeting but, like many of those who s…
... come out bc of scholarship
etc, etc.
Is ...
October 2017
Law School Admissions
Missed registration date
I can't believe I missed the date to register. I honestly thought I had longer. I have no idea why. I am kicking myself. I can't talk to my family, o…
... more time to save some
, and my kids will be ...
October 2017
December 2017 LSAT
PT25.S4.Q01 - taxpayer: for the last ten years
The conclusion in the stimulus, I believe, starts from "However, as a result of its attempt..." Here, the taxpayer is saying that due to the fisca…
... to spend a lot more
on reconstruction of its bridges ... they 'should' have budgeted more
for maintenance of its bridges ...
October 2017
Logical Reasoning
Trouble Remembering?
Hey All, My law school applications require me to specify how many hours I worked per job, and I also want to mention that in my addendum as well.…
... I needed to make more
. It could have been anywhere ...
October 2017
Law School Admissions
PT60.S1.Q13 - many economists claim that financial rewards
I understand why answer choice C is correct, but I can't seem to be able to rule answer choice B out. Can someone explain why answer choice B isn't t…
... are in fact motivated by
in their job choices, especially ...
October 2017
Logical Reasoning
Best Strategy Going Forward...
Hi guys, I am incredibly happy to have found this. I just want some advice. I have pushed off my LSAT 2x and rescheduled w/out actually taking it. Th…
... anxiety. I have plenty of
in the bank, already graduated ...
Andrew Alterio
October 2017
Is a "Why X" essay necessary when you're doing early decision for a school?
I just came across this bit from the Top Law Schools forum ( "Second, if you…
... good enough to get scholarship
(early decision applicants rarely receive ...
November 2017
Law School Admissions
Stuck with prep, need some test taking advice!
Yesterday I finally finished the curriculum part of the course and decided to take my first PTA to see how much I've learned. To be frank, the whole …
... I already applied and paid
to get into the univesity ...
November 2017
December 2017 LSAT
Negotiating Scholarships
Hi everyone: Hoping to get some advice on negotiating scholarship offer. Has anyone had success? Even with money offered, these schools are cra…
Hi everyone:
Hoping to get some advice on negotiating scholarship offer. Has anyone had success?
Even with
offered, these schools are crazy expensive!
November 2017
Law School Admissions
University of Melbourne or UNSW?
Hi guys, I've received offers from both these universities in Australia. UNSW has also offered me 36 credits for previous study (i.e. six subjects),…
... worry about the time and
(since it won't be ...
Disha Mehta
November 2017
Law School Admissions
Drawback in giving test before you've reached your potential
Hi, I'm quite certain I will be taking the test in Feb/June since I know I haven't reached my potential. I'm signed up for the December test and …
... since i've lost the
anyway, but want to be ...
November 2017
Withdrawing From December 2017 test
Is anyone considering withdrawing? I've already withdrew once before and it sucks to eat the money but I'm just wondering if anyone else is going to …
... it sucks to eat the
but I'm just wondering ...
November 2017
December 2017 LSAT
Sick for Dec. LSAT - Advice
So one of my worst fears came true. I caught a horrible cold right before the LSAT. My throat started to hurt Thursday, Friday my brain felt foggy al…
... a waste of time and
(I don't have health ...
December 2017
Advice on application timing? Send in December, or January after LSAT results?
I had a strategy for when to submit my applications but I'm kind of questioning it right now. So would love advice from anyone out there! The situ…
... 't want to waste application
(or unnecessary rejection) if my ...
Leah M B
December 2017
Law School Admissions
Should I even apply this year?
I graduated last June and took the December test, short story is I am 95% sure that I did poorly. I am currently registered for the February test.I h…
... not applying for any scholarship
, since I am well aware ... even take my application (and
) if they already filled their ...
December 2017
Law School Admissions
Personal Statements
UGGGH... I feel so blank currently. I know what topic I want to write about, and I have currently wrote two copies of this PS but they're basic crit…
... pay anymore towards upgrading because
is not something I want ...
December 2017
Law School Admissions
Accepted into a top 60 school with only a 10k/year merit scholarship when i’m way high in their %??
My GPA is way past their percentiles and my LSAT score is median They accepted me a couple weeks after I applied! This was the school I was hopin…
... I ask for more scholarship
now or wait til other ...
December 2017
Law School Admissions
157 to 170
Turns out this was not a waste of money at all...
Turns out this was not a waste of
at all...
December 2017
Thank you to this website
Hi guys. Long time lurker here, but I felt really compelled to write this. I want to say a huge thank you to J.Y. and all of the 7Sage team for provi…
... . Not having a lot of
to put into my prep ...
December 2017
Okay, I'm going to retake. Now what?
I'm not sure where to turn/what to do, except that I know I'm re-taking after scoring a 151 in December (first take). My highest PT was a 154 with a …
... point. Wherever I invest my
this go around, I want ...
December 2017
Advice on which schools to target?
Hi friends - now that I _finally_ have an official LSAT score, the fee waivers are rolling in and I think my head is getting jumbled up haha. I know …
... Iowa because they give out
hand over fist, but not ...
Leah M B
January 2018
Law School Admissions
What do I do?????
I went to a top 30 liberal arts undergraduate college. Throughout college, I had an undiagnosed learning disability, so my GPA is a 3.42, which I wro…
... if I could negotiate scholarship
, but am wondering if I ...
January 2018
Law School Admissions
175+ scorers- what was your diagnostic, and how long did it take you to study?
Hi guys, I'm a new 7Sager and this is my first post! I am tentatively aiming to take the November 2018 or January 2019 test, with an end goal of …
... am leaning towards Ultimate+ but
is tight.
Looking ...
January 2018
Thinking about delaying... advice please!
Hey folks... I keep thinking and re-thinking my decision here. My original goal was to take the December LSAT, get my apps in by mid-December so they…
... be very dependent on scholarship
though so I'm worried ...
Leah M B
January 2018
Law School Admissions
PT5.S3.Q23 - There are about 75 different brands of microwave popcorn...
Ok, so I got this MBT question wrong. I initially was going to go with AC D (the right choice) but was turned off from the second part of the answer.…
... thing reads:
is spent on microwave food ...
January 2018
Logical Reasoning
Realistic Expectations
Hey gang. I'm trying to set a baseline for myself and there seems to be A LOT of knowledge here so I feel like I can get some good feedback. I'…
... score to start seeing scholarship
. I have literally no interest ... based on how much scholarship
I'm offered.
January 2018
Law School Admissions
I got into my dream school, and so can you
Okay, so there are a lot of posts about this out there. But it's really, really, really true. I know how hard the LSAT grind is and how much it sucks…
... . Not with any shot at
, at least, and because I ... , I need a shot at
. So I buckled down, studied ...
January 2018
Law School Admissions
Serious Help with Retaking Lsat
Hi all. First time posting, so if i do/say something obnoxious, please spare me. I self studied for the lsat for about 8 months (from february till …
... could save a bunch of
down the line), and i ...
January 2018
English is my third language. This makes the LSAT especially difficult for me. I need as much help as I can receive. I started studying in late Oct, …
... a waste of time and
. I also am working one ...
January 2018