The new digital test is gonna make it so much more difficult for me who likes to take notes or jot down notes for later answering questions... anyone feel me? any thoughts? how do you guys combat that??
Hey there friends, I was just wondering if anybody knew anything about the new electronic LSAT, in specific, what type of TABLET or device we'd have to use. if you have any info lets get to discussion! thank you for even reading this haha
I am new to studying for the LSAT. Where is everyone ordering them from? What do I use as "drills" and what to I save for taking as a practice test? Thank you.
... anymore without upgrading to the new ultimate plan requiring an additional ... courses are grandfathered into the new ultimate courses, which is what ... have to upgrade to the new ultimate plan. If so, do ... $100 or is this for new students? I have used the ...
I am wondering if I can change the BR answer from my finished PT to a new one? Is it possible to do this without creating a new copy of the PT, but just directly replacing the old answer?
... we have just added a new video player with advanced features ... />
Currently, there are three main new features compared to the classic ... />
You can try our new advanced video player by going ...