... , and only did 4 section tests. Meaning I didn't add ... test-day. All of these tests were taken either in the ... , just to experiment. I am not normally on Adderal, but I ...
... you remember questions, you are not getting a real measure of ... 3 months ago, I'm not really going to remember many ... considering I was taking the tests without heavy analysis at that ... me to have all these tests available to me again, but ...
Life is stressful right now. I now I'm not ready for this life changing exam. I will continue this course and hope to get some tips and hints from you guys to help me for September
... it off until September is not a possibility, because I have ... squeeze in these 6 prep tests before the test, but I ... ...
To me, stretching 6 tests out over 3 months would ... I feel ready enough or not.
No turning back.
... debating as to whether or not I should postpone taking the ... second opinion on whether or not this is worth doing. tests (used for making sure I ...
... for the last 3 prep tests under timed conditions I have ... 2 sections, scores I'm not sure I can count on ... starting to psyche myself out. Not good. Any tips would be ...
... to properly use the prep tests I have available. The issue ... September. Obviously I would prefer not to rewrite in September, but ... , and I have used the tests 52-61, as well as ... the June test I will not have any "new" test to ...
... with after taking several prep tests in the last couple of ... of harder questions from earlier tests so I could improve my ... know that formal logic is not that important for this section ...
In other words, is going through the whole course and the 35 prep tests enough to realize one's maximum potential? Is it necessary to do other earlier prep tests under timed condition? Also, after blind review, is it necessary to do the tests repeatedly?
... I started with full timed tests of late 50s-early 60s ... got 161 in all those tests. I tried to drill into ... sections but my scores do not seem to rise at all ... ,-2 consistently in the 40s tests, but now I can't ...
Now I know the opposite of some is none and the opposite of some .. not is all. What about the opposite of most and most .. not? I can see the opposite of most would be at most half, how about most .. not? Thanks!