Hello to everyone taking the November LSAT next week and I wanted to wish you good luck and tell you that we freaking GOT THIS IN THE BAG. We're gonna kill it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
Curious if November LSAT takers are taking it to apply this year or next year? Always curious because if its next year wouldnt you have plenty of time to keep studying and taking the LSAT early spring? If this year, then of course its the right move
... applying this cycle for Fall 2020 start. I’ll be 30 ... up for January and if November comes back with a score ... I did from July to November. I had mixed emotions leaving ...
I got a 158 on the November LSAT, I have one more chance to write in January for 2020 admissions, should I write again??
(Applied to Ryerson, osgoode, queens, western, Ottawa and Windsor)
cGPA: 3.25, last two years: 3.8, two LSATS: 151, 158