... invariably leads to one thing: over-anxious reading of the stimulus ... ) and, on the other hand, over-relaxed/careless reading of the ... ) or at least don't over-emphasize that part. Read attentively ...
I was wondering if you guys went over whole of the curriculum first and then started doing full pretests, or were you doing them as you go along ? Also were you doing whole length pretests or just sections?
Hi I live in Southern OC and have been studying for over 3 months. I am getting ready for the LSAT in sep. I have done about 85% of material, 40% prep test and about 20% of core curriculum. Let me know if we can get together. 949 302 0909 Aidin
After going through the 7Sage course, how many months should I spend working on practice tests, blind reviewing them and going over my weaknesses etc.?