has anyone used these crystalball webinars before taking the ... to. based on the powerscore website the cheapest thing you ... for video: https://www.powerscore.com/lsat
sign ... for analytics account: https://powerscore.com/lsat/publications/digital-tests ...
... my subscription to 7sage in November, along with the mandatory LSAC ... LSAC prep will end in November2023. If I were to cancel ... my subscription for May 2023, and restart it in June ... 2023, would I have to pay ...
154 diagnostic, 166 on my first take in December, 174 on my second take in June. 7sage was critical in getting me above the 170 mark; I'd used powerscore until around November 2016. Huge improvements are absolutely possible with dedicated study.
For those that missed this, you will be reasonably well served by listening to the previous flex crystalball webinars... I think there are two of them.
@"andrew.rsn" the previous crystalball's were posted publicly to YouTube, thus providing information publicly about them wasn't an issue. Was this not the case for the June one?