I have fallen behind in my study schedule. This weak I did not study as much as I had to. Debating wether to take a PT this Saturday or not. I am 60% done with 7sage class. Current score is 154 blind review(LR only) 158. Taking the December LSAT.
On top of the syllabus created for us in this course, should we be doing our own outside work? Should we be aiming to take 1-2 (or more) practice tests on our own a week?
Okay... so, I have been studying the LSAT for exactly one year and one week! Anyway, I have done much study. I have a 10 pound binder with notes of every single 7sage LSAT lesson. I also have a stack of note cards to quiz me on ...
Hey - I'm looking for someone to review problem sets or practice exams. I'm on EST and can review on weekends or weeknights. Please let me know if anyone is interested. My email is Nocera4@tcnj.edu