I only have up to prep test 57. Is it important that I try newer ones prior to taking the December test? If so, where is the best place to obtain them? Thanks!
... of the explanations for the Prep Tests on 7Sage require the ... to purchase the official LSAT prep tests themselves. While I was ... searching for the prep tests, I was unable to ...
How many prep tests before the actual exam? And how many should you do a week BR included? Keep in mind I'm a full time employee. All suggestions and comments welcome. Thank you :)
... then take ALL of the prep tests (PTs 36-76) before ... in June so that re-testing in Septemberis unnecessary. Let's ... then take MOST of the prep tests (PTs 36-65) before ...
... 2016, however already went through Prep Tests 52 - 77 as well ... planning on using the older Prep Tests for my practice tests ... ? Or just focus more on testing with fresh, but older PTs ...
Without giving away any of the content in PT C2, does anyone know what year (roughly) this exam was given? Is C2 the "never-before-disclosed" PT that was included in the most recent LSAT Super Prep? Thanks everyone.
Hello, I was wondering may I bring a silent stop watch to the testing center? I have accommodations that give me more time and to use an analog watch or the Perfect Lsat watch wouldnt be of any use, so I was wondering if it is possible?
Hi guys! Sorry for the redundant post but a few weeks ago I saw pinned on here (maybe at the top?) a compiled list of recommendations on where to buy prep tests. I can't seem to find it now. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? Thanks!