I've noticed for a while now that just about every LG question is stealthfully focused on testing to see if you know a rule or made an inference (without directly saying, and in turn, revealing the inference).
Hello guys,
I am currently 3 weeks away from the LSAT and started self-studying in September. I decided to self-study due to me not having to the financial means to afford a tutor or enroll into a course. I am currently using the PowerScore Bible ...
... 14/25, and only two logic gams at 12/25). I ... able to reach a third logicgame giving me 15/25 and ... . I cannot reach a fourth logicgame or reading passage. With 12 ...
Did anyone else thought testmasters sucked? I honestly learned majority of my logicgame techniques from 7sage videos...thank God for 7sage free YouTube videos.
... all 7sage materials besides Logical Game Bundles in the end of ... months, all I did was logicgame and reading the Economist. After ... Logical Game Bundle is over, I started ...
When people on 7Sage discuss "drilling" I am confused as to what they are referring to.
Is "drilling" doing Blind Reviews and re-writing the same LogicGame over and over?
Please, please correct me if I am wrong.