Hey guys, I had asked yall a question regarding pt 68 LR 2question 24. I figured out my mistake but if yall wanted to go over it I can discuss it, its actually really simple now that I've figured it out.
... LSAT 46, game 3, section 4, question 12. The game ask ... understand this except for N = 2. With L = 4, that ... =5; L = 1, 2, 4; N =1,2, 4, and O = ... 1,2,4,5
... were several questions in this section that seemed to provide answers ... did this question it seemed as if it presented 2 necessary conditions ... year -
1. important; 2. well written.
... correct logical representation for this question?
... />
So, I have a silly question about the test booklet. What ... #3 pencils for the LG section (#2 to bubble). However, #3 pencils ... a #3 pencil on a PT that was provided to me ...
... 2, and RC. Each session will focus on only one section of PT ... />
Past Sessions
5/18 Thursday - Section 1 - LR
5/19 ... - LR
5/20 Saturday - Section2 - RC, Passages 1 and 3 ...
5/23 Tuesday - Section2 - RC, Passages 2 and 4
5 ...
... questions. My 7Sage diagnostic PT soon after beginning the course ... on a harder section, silly mistakes like thinking the question had asked ... be the difference of about 2 to 5 individual LSAT ... a particularly discouraging PT score or a question type that seems ...